Detailed List of News and Fixes
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EasyGraphiX 10.1.1
May 29, 2024
New Features
- Presentations can now be set to automatically advance to the next page with a fixed time interval.
- Images and Layouts can now be Stored to and Loaded from EasyDB SQL database.
- The Home ribbon tab now contains a Layout group for easier access to documents.
- Multi-page files (PDF or Tiff) will now automatically open all pages for editing.
- Bullet Styles ( ● ○ ■ 1. a. A. i. I.) are now available for rich text editing.
- Bezier Curve drawing tools have been added for better control of curves.
- Duplication of items can now be done by holding down CTRL and dragging to a new position.
- Lithology vector patterns are now included in the installation, and will be suggested as default.
- Help pages replaced by PDF manual.
Improvements and fixes
- Snap to units did not work if unit was ft or m.
- Improved snap of guidelines and items to nice values in current unit.
- Line frame on image was partly missing when saving cropped image, or copying it to the clipboard.
- Save selection preview would also show items that were not selected.
- Removed obsolete XOR rubberband from capture options.
- Region capture would give extra pixel in both height and width.
- The use of SHIFT and CTRL keys for selection have now been switched, so that CTRL is used for adding to the selection, like in other applications, while SHIFT gives a rubberband selection.
- Semi-transparency on gradient fills were lost when saving as PDF.
- Saving a layout now suggest the folder where it was opened from instead of last used destination.
- Scripts for installing or deleting license service was updated to be able to stop a license daemon when the installation is not on the C: drive.
- Obsolete image formats removed from Save & Send options.
- Fixed issue where part of a log curve could be missing when rendering EMF files.
- Fixed issue where PDF files generated by EasyGraphiX would show line artifacts ('tendrils') around some text elements when viewed by Adobe Reader.
- Fixed issue with CGM text sometimes not positioned exactly correct.
- Avoid making a view area much larger than the canvas size when zoomed in.
- Saving as XPS, all pages were saved to a single page.
- Read image resolution from EXIF tags.
- Show a busy cursor when saving to any format.
- Improved clean-up of temporary files.
- Avoid merging text with long interval of spaces.
- Allow continue drawing on curves that are below other items.
- Drawing items control points are now shown with cyan color to be distinguishable from other controls.
- Reference view was not updated to show the zoom area when changing page.
- Look for images in same folder as layout when not found at path.
- Saving a layout failed when it had a very long name, and also contained an image with a very long name.
- Reference view jumped back to first page when scrolling in document that had not finished loading.
- Fixed issue with text drawn with overlapping characters when rendering CGM with restricted text elements.
- Fixed issue where the text width would depend a little on the screen text scale when rendering CGM.
- Command-line tool ecgraphx would only output 1 GB of pixel data when rendering CGM read from stdin.
- Fixed issue with overlapping text when rendering EMF with dashes in text.
- Symbols looked blurred in ribbon gallery on screen using more than 100% text scale.
- Several fixes to UI dialogs and elements not having proper size when using screen with more than 100% text scale.
- Fixed issue with strange behavior of sinus curves at end points, when the periods and amplitudes are small.
- Line Ornaments did not scale with group of items.
- Line Ornaments did not get correct size when used in saved symbol.
- Changing page with active drawing tool would add items to current selection on page.
- Ribbon was not according to current selection when changing page.
- Capture of custom cursors gave too large cursors not centered at position.
- Print using Shrink Width and Position at Edge, would not use full width.
- Text rotation was lost on polylines and curves when saved as Layout.
- Added Apply button to Text Edit dialog to make it easier to see your changes.
- Bold, Italic, and Underscore text attributes were lost when changing font.
- Ampersands in SVG texts were not escaped correctly.
- Changing text attributes now applies to the full Rich Text when not actively editing it.
- Format Painter would also wrongly apply 'closed' property to other items, changing them from open to closed or opposite.
- Format Painter would also wrongly take text from drawing item.
- Avoid closing Layout when doing multiple Undo actions.
- Symbols created and saved within the application were shown too small in the Symbol Library.
- Rich Text position depended on Windows text scale setting when having blank lines in text.
- Capture Window showed frame rectangle in wrong position when having multiple screens with different text scale settings.
- Color Picker would pick color from wrong position when having multiple screens with different text scale settings.
- Text would have wrong size in PPT saved from machine having screen with more than 100% text scale.
EasyCopy 9.2.15
May 17, 2023
Convert CGM to SVG
- Fixed issue with saving some CGM data attributes as SVG, where an ampersand was not correctly escaped in the output.
EasyCopy Printer Drivers
- Added support for printing in Grayscale (black ink only) for many HP plotters.
- Added option to mirror Label by setting the environment variable EC_MIRRORLABEL. When set to the value 2 it will mirror by a vertical flip, otherwise with a horizontal flip of the label.
- Fixed Label and Stamp positions to not rotate with the image. Otherwise the Label could only be put on the top or bottom edge of the image.
- Fixed issue with command-file overriding saved default values, that are not set in the file.
EasyCopy 9.2.14
March 8, 2023
- Fixed issue with printing of CGM at large size resulting in truncated output.
- Fixed issue with reading of PDF having special tiling patterns causing endless loop.
EasyCopy 9.2.13
December 1, 2022
Context Menus
- Fixed issue with overlapping context menus when clicking near bottom of screen, when having multiple screens with mixed text scale.
Curve Editing
- Fixed issue with a soft crash when right clicking a node on a closed curve Crop Shape.
- Fixed issue with Split at Node showing up in context menu for Crop Shape, depending on other selection being a curve.
- Fixed issue with Continue Drawing on curve not working if a Crop Shape was also defined.
- Fixed issue with Add Node and Change Node missing in context menu for a curve, if a Crop Shape was also defined.
Grid Points
- Improved drawing of Grid points to be more visible when not being dense.
JPEG Reader
- Fixed issue with "JPEG file ERROR: No more coded data" when reading some JPEG files.
- Changed Label size to not scale with the output size, put take the size from environment variable EC_TEXT_POINT_SIZE with a default of 9 pt.
- Fixed issue with Label in output not having the same position as shown in the preview, when the image was rotated and using an EasyCopy printer driver.
- Fixed issue with Label font in the preview being very different from the actual output. Changed font in preview for better match.
- Fixed issue with Label, using multiple lines, being justified differently in the preview and the output. Use left justification in all places.
- Fixed issue with %ECFILEPATH% used in Label, showing path delimiters as forward slashes on Windows. Use native backward slashes.
License Info
- Fixed issue with expiry date for temporary licenses showing a month too early. The fix requires a new License Daemon on the server.
Open EasyCore Projects
- Fixed issue with blank area between column header and column data when the project had a legend at top.
- Fixed issue with legend not fully drawn when containing symbols not used in column data. The actual symbol drawings will still be missing because they are not embedded in the project file.
PDF Editing
- Fixed issue with fonts in PDF files not being mapped to a good system font, causing wrong spacing between words.
- Fixed issue with font name shown as the internal PDF name with font attributes. E.g. Calibri-BoldItalic instead of just Calibri.
Printer Configurations
- Save the printer Accuracy Adjustment between sessions.
- Added option to share Printer Configurations between users, by setting the environment variable ECUSRPRTDIR to override the location for user configurations.
Recent Places
- Update Recent Places with the folder used for Save Layout.
- Fixed issue with Stamp not being printed when using EasyCopy printer drivers.
Text Merging
- Fixed issue with text merging resulting in some duplicate stretched texts, when the document had two text items on top of each other with the same position.
EasyCopy 9.2.12
June 4, 2021
Map Measurement
- Fixed issue with map measurement texts being rendered too big depending on screen text scale.
Non-ascii Names
- Fixed issues with temp files using non-ascii characters in the path. This could happen if the user login name used non-ascii characters.
Printer Driver
- Fixed issue with HP DesignJet T630 continuing to roll our paper after print was finished.
Rich Text
- Fixed issue with text disappearing in rich text items when changing font on selection including simple text and measurement text items.
EasyCopy 9.2.11
December 5, 2020
Drop File
- Preserve file name when dropping file from mail attachment.
- Improved ecgraphx command-line help text.
License Dispatcher
- Revert to earlier generated permanent license when temporary license expires.
- Allow licenses for different products independent of date where they are generated.
Open Layout
- Skip inline images with missing data to avoid problems with layout.
- Fixed: text with large scale factor was shown too narrow (caused dotted lines made up of several text elements to be split in pieces).
- Fixed: text merging could cause end of merged text to be outside a clip region.
Save As
- Fixed: CGM hotspot were not preserved when saving again as CGM.
- Fixed: save selection that included an image item with missing data cause NAN (Not A Number) values in Save As raster settings.
Tip of the Day
- Fixed: slow application start up would cause Tip of the Day to come up blank for a few seconds.
EasyCopy 9.2.10
September 18, 2020
Crop Image
- Unzoom when cropping markup image, to avoid being positioned outside the resulting cropped image.
Command-line conversion
- Fixed: piping image data from and to the command-line conversion utility ecconv did not work on Windows.
Edit Vector
- Fixed: doing Edit Vector could change lines along the image edges. Lines at top and bottom could become half width, while lines at left and right edges could have the line width increased by 5%.
- Fixed: doing Edit Vector could change line endings to be Flat instead of Round or Square. This would happen for lines that was clipped by the image frame.
- Fixed: transparent color choice was available for Solid and Gradient fills. but not supported for output to file or printer. The transparent color is no longer available for Solid or Gradient fill.
Image loading
- Fixed: stepping through image files in File Open dialog on Linux, could cause the application to crash. On Windows this could also happen if interrupting an image in loading.
- Allow Client Password installation to enter the IP address of License Server instead of full License Password.
- Suppress "Text drawn as polygon" messages in terminal window when opening PDF files.
- Fixed: raster images disappeared when zooming on details in file. This was caused by incorrect image merging, where transparent pixels would overwrite opaque pixels.
- Fixed: the Print Status dialog could disappear behind other windows.
- Fixed: the Print Preview is now initialized to show the current page of the main window.
- Fixed: printing to PDF format only worked for the first print. Second print would only give parts of the file.
Size Spin Boxes
- Fixed: holding up or down arrows pressed on size spin boxes no longer worked after fix in previous release to avoid two steps by one click-
- Fixed: stepping line width form 1.0 pt to 0.9 pt caused the line to be drawn as much thinner line.
EasyCopy 9.2.9
December 3, 2019
Capture Delay
- Fixed: capture delay value was not saved between sessions (The checked state is not saved).
- Fixed: capture delay value was difficult to see when selected (Changed to be white on dark background).
Double Extension
- Fixed: printing could fail because of batch file with double extension not being allowed to run.
Fill Between
- Fixed: fill between was placed on top, instead of just below the selected lines.
Format Printer
- Fixed: setting custom page size in metric sizes (mm or cm), the size was changed because of an internal rounding to an integer number of points.
Gradient Fill
- Added support for second color in gradient fill.
- Added Canon iPF815 RTL and Epson T7200 drivers.
Print Map Measurements
- Fixed: map measurements changed the values when printing, if the map was scaled to fit paper.
Save as PDF
- Fixed: save large TIFF (or other raster) as PDF failed.
Save as PostScript
- Fixed: save as PostScript only gave the images, and not any drawing primitives in the output.
Size Spin boxes
- Fixed issue where clicking up or down arrows on spin box would cause it to step twice.
- Fixed: the transparency dialog could not be used to set en exact transparency value on a selection of multiple objects.
Build 9.2.8
August 22, 2019
- Fixed issue where diagonal patterns in EMF files had wrong direction and would change direction when ungrouped for editing.
- Fixed issue where grid lines were drawn in Save & Send and Reference view.
- Fixed issue where the grid lines and points were too intense when having a very dense grid.
Image Merge
- Fixed issue where image merge in Edit Vector or save as Vector format, would cause a soft crash error.
- Fixed issue where image parts were missing in opened PDF files.
- Added support for PPTX files.
Temporary files
- Fixed issues where the application would leave temporary files behind (opening SVG, XPS, or ungrouping files with image parts).
Build 9.2.7
August 4, 2019
- Fixed issue where the application would crash when opening some CGM files.
- Fixed issue where you could not see the object you were drawing when using No Line on large canvas.
- Grid has been made easier to see by using 5 grid points instead of just 1.
- Added option to draw grid lines to make it easier to see the grid.
Page Setup
- Reduced precision in Page Setup to not show more than 3 decimals.
Save As Archive (.layz)
- Image files with non-ASCII encoded names were missing in archive.
Save Layout As
- Disabled Save Layout As when no document open (it would case a soft crash).
- Removed usage of vector-effect in SVG as this was not supported by all viewers.
Build 9.2.6
March 29, 2019
- Added new shortcuts Ctrl+E for Extract, and Ctrl+K for Crop and Keep.
- Fixed issue where Extract or Crop and Keep would put the crop result behind selected items.
Fill Style
- Fixed: Fill Options dialog did not show the same options for Fill Style as ribbon and context menu. New Gradient Fill and Vector Pattern options were missing.
- Fixed: mouse interaction with selection of multiple items was not possible. (Problem introduced with previous release)
- Fixed: selection of item in front of selected item required extra mouse click to first deselect (Problem introduced with previous release)
Build 9.2.5
March 26, 2019
- Added support for CGM files with large ( > 32K wide ) tile arrays.
- Added option to merge text in ecgraphx command-line ( -mergetext ).
- Fixed issue with "Unknown metric id: 12" messages in command window when running ecgraphx.
- Fixed issue with ecgraphx leaving behind temporary disk cache files.
- Fixed issue with crop only using outline of object if not filled.
- Disable Recall Last crop if nothing was cropped.
- Disable From Selection if nothing selected.
Draw / Fill / Edit
- Added support for gradient fill going from color to white.
- Added support for vector pattern fill.
- Added support double click to add smooth points when drawing polygons or lines.
- Added missing Fault line style with opposite direction.
- Added Split at Node option to split lines. Also works for closed curves, which will then be open curves.
- Added Lock Selected to Select Menu with shortcut Ctrl-L for easier selection.
- Added Carlito font to Linux package as replacement for Calibri.
- Fixed issue with Arrow going in strange directions when end points are close.
- Fixed issue with color picker not working on second screen.
- Fixed issue with having to click to position Guideline instead of just drag and drop.
- Fixed issue with not being able to move node on curve behind other object.
- Fixed issue with unnecessary progress bar when doing fast Fill Between.
- Fixed issue with Fill Between not being in active layer.
- Fixed issue with undo being many small steps when changing Rich Text.
- Fixed issue with multiple Rich Text items changing to have the same text when right clicking.
- Fixed issue with text merging resulting in spaces in the middle of words with large letter spacing.
- Fixed soft crash when clicking Move Selection to Active Layer without having a document.
- Increased size of Text editing window for easier editing.
File open
- Fixed issue with not being able to see file format information on screen with 200% text scale.
- Fixed issue with archive ( .layz file ) not being compressed, causing opening the file to fail.
- Fixed issue with eclic not being able to use non-default ECPORT setting.
- Fixed issue with transparent lines in PDF becoming opaque.
- Fixed issue with clipped objects becoming visible.
- Fixed issue with text disappearing behind other objects.
- Fixed issue with PDF only opening partially (image transfer optimization).
- Fixed issue with raster parts becoming invisible when saving as PDF.
- Fixed issue with raster images being slightly out of position causing rasterized text look bad.
- Fixed issue with Demo on PDF when selecting Rasterize option for unlicensed use of Vector output.
- Fixed issue with not being able to open PDS files. This problem was introduced with version 9.2.0.
- Added driver for HP DesignJet T730
- Added drivers for HP DesignJet Z6 and Z9.
- Added drivers for HP PageWide plotters.
- Added drivers for Canon TM plotters.
- Added driver for Neuralog Z3 (LaserJet 3).
- Fixed issue with PDF having landscape aspect ratio being output rotated in PDF format printer.
- Fixed issue with print preview taking a long time to come up.
- Fixed issue with print preview being very blurry.
- Fixed issue with SVG files not viewed on Windows because of missing dll.
- Fixed issue with SVG files not viewed on Linux because of missing WebEngine executable and resources.
- Fixed issue with SVG files not viewed when exceeding a few MB in size.
- Fixed issue with grayscale TIFF being viewed in reversed gray.
Build 9.2.4
July 18, 2018
- Fixed: memory used by loaded images were leaked.
- Fixed: warning in terminal output: "QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread".
- Fixed issue where rotated images were positioned and scaled wrongly when saved to PDF or ungrouped from file.
- Fixed: password on 2 lines written to agipass file when pasted in dialog.
- Added HP DesignJet T1700 driver.
Windows DLLs
- Added UCRT DLLs to the installation to not depend on local computer updates.
Build 9.2.3
June 28, 2018
- Fixed: EasyCopy printers did not produce any output on updated Windows 10.
License Service
- Fixed: License Service failed to start ecdaemon process on updated Windows 10.
Build 9.2.2
May 16, 2018
- Fixed issue where special arrow head elements were rendered at wrong size.
- Fixed issue where running ecgraphx from command-line did not use the default profile for the output format.
- Fixed issue where a layout could not be opened because the thumbnail preview in the file exceeded the buffer size used.
- Fixed issue where copy/pasted items ended in the layer they were copied from and not in the active layer.
- Fixed issue where a PDF file was loaded incorrectly with blank pages and wrong order of other pages.
- Fixed issue where Presentation had a 1 pixel wide frame around it.
- Fixed issue where entering the Print page in some cases caused a crash.
- Added support for Canon TX and PRO plotters using the SGRaster format.
- Fixed issue where resizing item and then right clicking for context menu would make the item invisible until next redraw.
Save Raster
- Fixed issue where saving selected image suggested name of layout and not the image name.
- Fixed issue where SVG files had wrong background color.
- Fixed issue with text ghosting (Even when using analytical clipping a bit of ghosting was observed)
- Fixed issue where Courier text was rendered at wrong size.
- Fixed issue where pasted text did not get default font settings.
Tip of the day
- Fixed issue where Tip of the day would end up behind main window.
Build 9.2.1
Nov 11, 2017
- Fixed issue where opening a layout with missing inline images caused a crash.
- Added a warning when saving of inline images in a layout failed.
- Added License check for the Map component.
- Added toggle to put Map measure text on/off.
- Fixed issue where crop of a measure item caused a crash.
- Fixed issue where the measure distance text did not have enough space on the right when placed on line.
- Fixed issue where order up or down could cause items to disappear.
- Fixed issue where opening SVG files caused a crash.
- Fixed issue with 100% view mode being half size when default screen is set to 200% scale.
Build 9.2.0
Oct 7, 2017)
- Fixed issues with indicator arrows, selection handles, and dialogs being to small on screen with high resolution.
- Now using Qt 5.9.1.
- Added help button in quick access bar.
- Help now opens on the page for the currently active ribbon tab if not on Home.
- Added Mapping module for setting scale and measuring distances and areas on a map.
- The Mapping module requires a license for the EasyCopy Graphics Suite.
- Customers that do not have a license for the EasyCopy Graphics Suite can for the moment only get a temporary license for version 9.2.0.
- Fixed issues with symbol settings in ribbon and docking window not being in sync.
- Double click on symbol now makes the symbol tool sticky.
- Fixed issue with reading of b/w TIFF using MinIsBlack.
Build 9.1.14
Mar 15, 2017
- Added support for reading APS group attributes from CGM.
- Fixed issue where printing to HP HPGL2 Windows drivers using Custom Page Size gave a Letter size output.
Note: for some drivers you need to enter Properties dialog to get correct Paper size. - Fixed issue where Print Selected of a stitched PDF would not output the entire file.
- Fixed issues with progress monitor looping several times when outputting stitched PDF.
Save As PPT
- Fixed: saving as PPT you only got the first page (problem introduced in previous release).
Save As Raster
- Fixed issue with save as raster not giving best result because it used raster loaded for GUI.
- Added support for writing group attributes read from CGM to SVG.
Build 9.1.13
Feb 1, 2017
Copy / Paste
- Fixed: copy/paste of object touching right edge of canvas to new page, the object was moved to top left.
- Fixed: nodes of cropped object was shown outside the cropped area.
- Fixed: crop of selection with text or images completely outside the cropped area, would leave zero sized objects. These objects are now deleted when cropping.
- Fixed: ungrouping a cropped group with some objects in the group outside the cropped area, would leave zero sized objects. These objects are now deleted when ungrouping.
- Fixed: crop of selection containing zero sized objects loaded from older layout caused the crop result to have a bounding box larger than the cropped area.
- Fixed: different offset used for Duplicate (with no snap to grid) than when using arrow keys.
- Fixed: ecdriver scripts failed to run from path with spaces in name.
- Fixed: Edit Vector of EMF file with gradient fills, the colors would be wrong. Note: gradient fills can not be saved in a Layout file.
Help & Info
- Added: link to Quick Start guide added in Help & Info
High-res display
- Fixed: using high-res display with 150% or 200% scaled text and items the interface did not work well. Many icons were too small and text on buttons were clipped.
Image Info
- Fixed: the image info for a stitched PDF still referred to the un-stitched page number.
Insert symbol
- Fixed: the ribbon settings were not updated with the values used (text, line, fill) for the symbol.
- Added support for CMYK JPEG files generated by Illustrator.
Keyboard focus
- Fixed: drawing simple objects the Text Edit window received keyboard focus, preventing normal use of keyboard selection and navigation.
- Fixed: changing ribbon tab the document view would lose keyboard focus.
- Fixed: duplicate or copy and paste, all objects ended up in current layer. We now keep the layer structure.
License checkout
- Fixed: retrying in license checkout took too long when server was unreachable. We now have a maximum of 1 minute.
Line Style
- Fixed: line with unconformity style caused curves to bend more than intended at sharp corners.
New Page
- Fixed: New Page was disabled when no canvas. It now works as New Canvas.
No Canvas
- Fixed: application crashed when closing layout and clicking File if Print backstage was active.
Open Layout
- Fixed: no error was shown when layout could not be parsed.
PDF reader
- Fixed: opening PDF using Calibri font, some ligatures were not shown correctly.
PDF writer
- Fixed: saving as PDF the file got much bigger than when using PDF Format print.
- Fixed: saving EMF with gradient fills as PDF, the gradient colors were lost or wrong.
- Fixed: semi-transparent image became opaque when printing with Windows drivers.
- Fixed: sometimes the Print Selection was disabled when it should have been enabled.
- Fixed: you could get a different page range printed than was set.
- Fixed: it was very slow to get a print preview when using a rotated stitched PDF or very large raster file.
- Fixed: using RTL driver to print on EPSON would result in blank paper output with size of print, before actual print.
- Fixed: error message when leaving Print page after setting page range.
- Added: 12 inch roll paper was added to generic printer drivers.
Recent Places
- Fixed: clicking Recent Places folder, the File Type said Montage Files, it now says All Files
Rich Text
- Fixed: setting rich text background to transparent all text on the object changed to have same color and style.
Save Layout
- Fixed: on Linux, saving layout with inline images, choosing to save images permanently, failed if the layout name contained spaces in name.
- Fixed: sometimes when saving layout with inline images, the references in the layout file would still be to the temporary files. Causing the layout to fail loading.
- Fixed: layout with extreme aspect ratio (1 to more than 300) could not be loaded again because of missing preview in file.
- Fixed: blend modes were lost when saving layout, causing lines to disappear.
Save & Send
- Fixed: the Current Page/All Pages was disabled for all raster formats after selecting CGM (any single page vector format), and then selecting raster format.
- Fixed: uninitialized values could sometimes cause the application to crash when saving as EMF.
- Fixed: saving as CGM all vertikal and horizontal lines were changed to have Flat cap.
- Fixed: saving as CGM with Native clipping, text partly outside canvas disappeared.
- Fixed: snap to Point now comes before snap to Object Guide, otherwise you cannot snap to end point of line.
- Fixed: increased precision for snapping objects to same positions.
- Added: toggle for Snap to Object Guides.
- Fixed: elements missing in XPS when using EasyCopy on Windows 7.
Build 9.1.12
Sep 13, 2016
- Fixed: circle callouts were reset to default shape when saved to image or printer.
- Added support for saving CGM with blend modes.
- Fixed: fills disappeared when saving CGM with seismic wiggles.
- Fixed: rectangular frame in CGM could disappear when saving file.
Color Picker
- Fixed: EasyCopy crashed on Linux when using color picker.
- Fixed: the cursor did not change to crosshair when using color picker
- Fixed: when called from EcDriver, EasyCopy would ask to restore backup layout.
- Fixed: using network path for EasyCopy( \\server\folder\easycopy.exe ) it failed to start.
- Fixed: saving as EMZ gave an empty file.
File Open
- Fixed: double clicking on image in File Open dialog on Linux, often caused EasyCopy to crash.
- Fixed: trying to open empty file gave error message about unsupported format.
Fill between lines
- Fixed: fill between lines was not restricted to seemingly closed area in some cases (seen with unconformity lines)
Line ornaments
- Fixed: line ornaments were lost when saved to image or printed.
- Fixed: save as PTT included objects in layers that had Output toggled off.
- Fixed: strange error messages when saving PPT from layout where some images were outside canvas.
- Fixed: printing to EasyCopy PS printer using roll size paper, the custom page size code ?as missing in the output.
- Added support for Ricoh MP CW 2200 PostScript plotter.
- Fixed: setting paper to Super Long on Elite-II it was always reset to Letter size.
Recent Images
- Fixed: opened images did not always get on Recent list.
Save Dialogs
- Fixed: unable to use desktop shortcuts to folders for saving file.
Splash Screen
- Fixed: splash screen disappears before the contents is visible on Linux.
- Fixed: semi-transparent fills missing when rendering SVG.
Build 9.1.11
Jul 19, 2016
Color Replacement
- Fixed issue with color replacement taking place on image in hidden layer.
- Fixed issue with missing control of rounded rectangle.
- Fixed issue with ecdriver scripts not working from UNC path.
Edit Vector
- Fixed issue with document in bad selection state after cancelling Edit Vector.
- Fixed issue with older linux client sometimes saying unlicensed when using newer License Dispatcher.
- Fixed issue with possible deadlock when opening PDF file with Stitch enabled.
- Fixed issue with tiled patterns in PDF file being black.
- Fixed issue with lost settings when computer is shutdown with multiple running EasyCopy processes.
- Added new HP DesignJet T930 and T1530 drivers.
- Fixed issue with print to CGM resulting in empty file when "Send Job as Bitmap" is selected.
- Fixed issue with print to CGM showing progress up to 100%, and then shortly showing a second progress dialog before finished.
- Fixed issue with print to CGM giving exception error on second print.
- Fixed issue with text not changing when changing (highlighting) Font.
- Fixed issue with unreadable text selection when text edit window doesn't have keyboard focus.
Build 9.1.10
May 27, 2016
- Fixed issue with not being able to draw polygons.
- Fixed issue with some objects showing wrong bounding rectangle.
- Fixed issue with line width being set to 1 when changing line style.
- Fixed issue with Change to Open/Closed not taking effect.
- Fixed issue with EasyCopy window being lowered when changing texture/pattern fill from context menu.
- Fixed issue with wrong Amplitude and Period on object when changing to ornamented line style.
- Fixed issue with EasyCopy not shown on top when invoked from EcDriver.
- Do not ask to restore layout when EasyCopy is invoked from EcDriver.
- Fixed issue with extraneous line in EMF output when saving clipped object.
- Fixed issue with images missing in Help pages.
- Fixed issue with missing resize of canvas when cropping image.
- Fixed issue with inability to add line frame on Image object.
- Fixed issue with image selecting box missing after Cancel in Image Layout.
- Fixed issue with user information missing in eclic xml output.
- Fixed issue with eclic xml output reporting too many licenses in use by user.
- Fixed issue with font glyphs being too small in PDF output.
- Fixed issue with wrong font used for Bold and Italic text.
- Fixed issue with EasyCopy being slow to start.
- Added possibility to set label with future date (default in 28 days) using special internal variables.
- Fixed issue with Print Job Name not being updated when opening new document.
- Fixed issue with low quality on Windows printers.
- Fixed issue where box with no fill became black on second print with Windows printer.
Reference View
- Fixed issue with Reference View not showing correct position of view rectangle.
- Fixed issue with Bold and Italic text in XPS shown as normal text.
Build 9.1.9
Apr 4, 2016
- Fixed issue where reading a CGM file with many text elements outside clip area took several minutes.
- Added new "openit" option to eclic for easier integration with license monitoring software.
- The memory consumption when having many objects on canvas has been greatly reduced.
- Fixed issue where reopening a vector file modified after initial loading, showed a cached version of the file.
- Fixed issue where saving a raster file to a vector format would wrongly require a Vector license.
Build 9.1.8
Feb 24, 2016
- Fixed issue with Undo of Group action causing and exception error.
- Fixed issue with UAC prompt showing temporary msi name during installation.
- Fixed issue with strange characters in hostname shown in Install Password dialog.
- Fixed issue with page size not set correctly on items read from Montage .edit file.
- Fixed issue with raster images read from Montage .edit files having wrong scale.
- Fixed issue with PDF files generated by EasyCopy being viewed as blank by other applications.
- Fixed issue with Miter line joining being saved as Bevel.
- Fixed issue with Miiter line joining not looking the same in saved PDF file.
- Fixed issue where setting Copies did not take effect.
- Fixed issue with Windows printer drivers where the page size was reset when entering printer Options.
- Fixed issue with banding effect when printing on NeuraLaserColor II
- Fixed issue with gaps and wrong scale on print when printing to Windows printer and having non-default screen resolution set.
- Fixed issue with wrong scale on images in XPS output when having non-default screen resolution set.
- Fixed issue with Text items being blanked out when using Space to switch back to select tool.
Build 9.1.7
Jan 20, 2016
- Fixed issue with wiggle lines drawn too thick resulting in one massive black rectangle.
- Fixed issue with crop box not snapping when resizing or repositioning it.
- Added option to Reverse Page Order.
- Fixed issue where Presenter mode would stay open after closing document.
- Fixed issue where context menu closed when using modifier keys (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) in Text Edit window.
- Fixed issue where the font size in the Text Edit window in the Ribbon would become very large.
- Fixed issue where highlighting of text in the Text Window (or Font spin) would make it unreadable (black on dark blue).
Build 9.1.6
Dec 18, 2015
- Fixed issue where installing EasyCore or EasyPlot liicense in EasyCopy resulted in extra licenses taken.
- Fixed issue where printing with EcDriver resulted in 30 minutes license taken.
- Fixed issue where the preview was blank when moving up in image frames.
- Fixed issue with missing shared library on Linux causing movie encoding to fail.
- Fixed issue where using custom paper size with Windows printers would result in wrong output size.
- Fixed issue where selecting non-default paper size on Windows printers was ignored.
- Fixed issue where changing paper orientation on Windows printers did not have any effect.
- Fixed issue where text merging resulted in spaces missing.
- General improvements to text merging.
Build 9.1.5
Oct 13, 2015
- Fixed issue where custom paper size set in EcDriver was not set correctly for applications.
- Fixed issue where EasyCopy started with Administrator rights to install license did not exit.
- Fixed issue where installation of multiple licenses resulted in extra license checked out.
- Also remove format_printers and tips when doing uninstall.
- Fixed issue where installed libxcb caused conflict with system libX11.
- Fixed issue where EasyCopy complained about XEnhanced capture setting.
- Fixed issue where eccapt complained about StartOnCaptureTab setting.
- Added missing xcb platform plugin to Linux installation.
- Added missing python27.dll to EasyView and EasyPlot installations.
Build 3.1.6
May 29, 2024
Bulk Shift
- Fixed issue with Bulk Shift failing when start or end were at a bed boundary.
- Fixed issue with Bulk Shift Up failing if the nearest symbol above the shifted interval would be totally inside another interval symbol further up.
- Bulk Shift could add extraneous bedding contacts at start of shift.
- Fixed issue with composition data having zero instead of EOD at boundaries.
Depth line indicator
- Changed depth line indicator to have equal amount of black and white (less white than earlier versions), to make it less dominant on top of bedding contacts and more visible in blank areas.
Lithology patterns
- Using SVG files for patterns would not give correct size in columns and legend.
- Clean up projects when loading to avoid extraneous bedding contacts or not correctly ended data intervals.
- The Design ribbon tab contained Properties and Symbols dictionaries not intended for EasyCore 3.1.
Single depth image column
- Clicking Cancel after browsing for an image to insert in an Single Depth Image Column, you got an error message.
- Browsing for an image to insert in a Single Depth Image column, it did not remember the file location for the next browse action.
SQL server
- Correct handling of unicode for SQL server error messages.
- Right click on Symbol below gap did not make it selected.
- Symbols jumped to opposite horizontal position when selected, if Profile Orientation is Left to Right.
Build 3.1.5
Apr 10, 2024
Data Export
- Fixed: depth map was not used by default on Log Data.
- Fixed: using data export in sampled intervals would only include lithology qualifiers in the intervals containing the top of the bed.
- Fixed: selecting a symbol below a Gap would cause it to move up in depth.
- Fixed: using SHIFT rubberband selection in Symbols column only worked if the mouse was moved a little after pressing SHIFT.
- Fixed: using SHIFT rubberband selection in Symbols column did not work below Gaps.
- Fixed: using CTRL selection in Symbols column did not work below Gaps.
- Fixed: using mouse wheel to scroll in Symbol library only worked when mouse were over the scroll bar.
- Changed: use larger icons for symbols in the library preview.
Import Log Data
- Fixed: import Log Data from File did no longer list DLIS files.
Import Project Data
- Fixed: importing project data you would be asked: "Do you want to expand the project?". But you did not have an option to say No, so it would always expand to the depth range of the imported data.
- Fixed: renaming a project when Storing to EasyDB, typing in the middle of the name, the text cursor jumps to the end.
- Fixed: proactive image loading could sometimes be paused or cause image tiles to be ignored.
- Fixed: proactive image loading would sometimes load very large batches of tiles, causing regular on-demand image requests to be postponed. Updates would then be delayed for too long.
Save Project
- Fixed: non-latin image names were lost when saving project archive (.ecprjz). They were renamed to Subname+index.
- Fixed: "space" misspelled as "spice" in low disk space message.
Build 3.1.4
Oct 6, 2023
- Fixed: having multiple EasyCore sessions running, could cause a file name conflict with temporary files used.
Data Export
- Improved: using a Data Export Profile could cause some data values not to be exported, if the project data map had been changed to have different value names. Added an Update button in Options to get the export profile in sync with the project.
- New: documentation (Deploying_EasyDB.pdf) of how to deploy EasyDB is now available in the easydb folder of the EasyCore installation.
- Fixed: data could contain invalid values (nan or inf) that could not be stored correctly in EasyDB. Trying to store a project with such values will now give an error. Opening a project file with such values will now give a warning, and you will be able to correct the values in the Data Manager.
- Fixed: loading project from EasyDB with a missing image, would case all images to be reloaded, which could be extremely slow.
- Fixed: JPG files were stored in EasyDB as unknown file format, causing an issue when inserting images from EasyDB. This could also be the case for some other file formats in earlier versions of EasyCore.
- Fixed: images could not be inserted from search result list in EasyDB.
- Fixed: searching on text in vector files, could give results that were not visually marked in the preview.
Image Performance
- Fixed: images that were stretched to column width were sometimes drawn at an unnecessary high resolution, making it very slow with many images at a high log scale.
Log Data
- New: log data can now be imported from EasyDB.
Notes Column
- New: added support for different kind of styles for Bullet Lists.
- Fixed: selecting a number of text lines to make a bullet list would delete the text instead.
- Fixed: using Depth Text at start would not put the text at the correct place if the notes text started with a Bullet List or Table.
- Fixed: the indentation of a bullet list was too small.
- Fixed: the Table cell padding was too small, and the text Edit dialog did not match the size in the column.
Sample Column
- Fixed: using Horizontal or Sinus Line types in the Sample Dots with Number Column the line width did not change with the Shape Size selected.
User Interface
- Fixed: using Alt+Mouse Wheel to change the project scale, only worked to get a smaller scale.
- Improved: reduced height of data export Options dialogs.
Build 3.1.3
Aug 24, 2023
Core Description Profile column
- Changed: do not show Dunham values on secondary property, unless the property specifically has Dunham in the name.
- Fixed: EasyDB failed to store project with undefined (nan) data values.
Log Data
- Fixed: all log data curves imported in a single batch were displayed with the same color. Red at first import in column.
Build 3.1.2
July 13, 2023
- Fixed: EasyDB failed to deploy in version 3.1.1 because of expired certificate being used.
- Fixed: attempt to rename folder by changing only case resulted in wrong name clash error.
- Fixed: missing first revision on batch imported projects.
Export Project Data
- Fixed: export project data failed if using non-ascii characters for units.
- Fixed: some DICOM files were wrongly identified as JPG.
Log Data
- Fixed: changing unit on log data, changes the unit on the data map, but not in the column where it is used.
Build 3.1.1
April 5, 2023
Adjust Horizontal Image Stretch
- Fixed issue with Stretch to Width not giving the expected result when having images with different widths.
- Automatically Stretch to Width when entering the Adjust dialog with no stretch defined.
Composition Column
- Fixed issue with automatic fill of lithology composition not working with multiple values.
Core Description Profile
- Fixed issue with missing tickmarks and horizontal lines in column control header.
Data Export
- Export Project Data now includes the unit of log data columns.
- Added export of data based on data points (e.g. plugs) in selected data map.
- Changed the options for interval data export to be easier understood.
- Changed Fixed Interval data export to output as actual intervals showing Top and Bottom depth.
- Fixed issue with interval data only being exported for intervals where there was a change in value.
- Fixed issue with number of digits on Top Depth not according to setting.
Dialog Size
- Reduced size of Data Export and Customize Column Header dialogs to not have buttons outside screen (1920 x 1080 pixels and150% text scale).
Image Information
- Fixed error caused by image delete followed by undo before doing Image Information.
Import Data
- Added Import Data option to context menu on all data columns.
Insert Images
- All pages in PDF can now be inserted as separate images.
- Added option to remove selection of images in context menu.
- Fixed issue with default parsing of file names giving core number as top depth.
- Exclude symbols that have been set to not Show in column.
Log Data
- Do not allow switching to 2D visualization on normal curve data.
Build 3.0.3
February 13, 2023
Company Logo
- Added nicer looking splash screen with new company logo.
- Updated About dialog with new company logo.
Bedding Contacts
- Fixed issue with moving bedding contact giving invalid data entry.
Column Templates
- Added version to column templates to avoid problems using newer template in older version.
Composition Column
- Fixed issue with reordering by drag and drop not working as expected, sometimes resulting in wrong order.
- Fixed issue with some temporary files not being deleted after Store to EasyDB
- Fixed refresh issue when moving files in EasyDB interface.
- Fixed issue with deployment of EasyDB when using latest SqlPackage tool.
- Fixed issue with deployment script not creating the file-stream folder on the SQL server.
- Allow setting path for file-streams in environment as EASYDB_FS_PATH for deployment script.
- Better warning message when loading project from EasyDB that is already loaded by another user.
- Fixed issue storing when revisionId was invalid after some other error occurred.
- Use deltas to store metadata instead of replacing it on every store.
- Added patch version number to EasyDB.
- Added warning message when trying to connect to outdated EasyDB version.
- Fixed issue with search on metadata not resulting in highlight on static fields.
- No longer set 'clr enabled' when deploying EasyDB, but instead report an error and tell how to enable it.
- Removed trustworthy flag to minimize required permissions.
- Sign dll assembly published with EasyDB.
- Changed locking mechanism from using connection Uuids to using heartbeats.
- Fixed possible deadlock when reporting missing permissions.
- Fixed issue with search progress bar still showing after search was cancelled.
- Show warning about missing image files during batch store of project files.
- Prompt user to find images when loading project from EasyDB with missing file references.
- Fixed issue where creation time showed current time.
- Fixed issue where modified time showed utc time.
- Improved error handling when Batch Storing images.
Image Formats
- Added support for czi format.
Import Data
- Fixed issue where you could only delete one row or column of data at the time when importing project data.
- Changed import of log data to not include all data sets when more than 10.
- Improved progress reporting when importing image files.
- Fixed issue with missing context menu to select which data maps to import.
- Improved speed when importing many data maps to log data column.
- Fixed issue with importing some formats of image files with very long path names.
- Search text trimmed to not include blank space at beginning or end.
- Added license request link to the Unlicensed message.
Log Data
- Added support for importing log data from DLIS files.
- Added support for visualization of 2D log data using a color gradient.
Name and Index Interval Column
- Changed threshold for using white text on colored background to avoid cases where it was hard to read.
Reference View
- Fixed issue with underlay image first appearing very blurry in the reference view.
- Remember last used Symbol Group between sessions.
- Removed Position option from context menu. It had no functionality.
- Fixed refresh issue with Symbol still appearing in library after deletion.
- Replace symbols in project when adding new symbol with identical name.
- Fixed issue with not being able to scroll in symbol library after importing new symbol or switching symbol group.
- Fixed issue with symbols only used in legend not being saved in the project.
- Improved look of context symbol gallery.
- Fixed issue with legacy projects not showing symbol legend correctly until recompiled.
Build 3.0.2 BETA
November 17, 2022
Data Export
- Data Export did not default to the Data Representation used for Name and Index columns.
- Added Status dialog for Batch Store.
- Added File Format filter options for Batch Store of Folder.
- Removed special Security Tables for controlling Folder access. This should instead be done by deployment of multiple EasyDB instances.
- Removed use of special file tables and use SQL server built-in FileTables to allow access through File Explorer.
- Show notification if disconnect detected in regular check.
- Show connect dialog when trying to use EasyDB after disconnect.
- Sort items in EasyDB with Folders before Files, and using case insensitive alphabetic sorting.
- Fixed issue with search text in image not highlighting full text string.
- Fixed Soft Crash when cancelling EasyDB Connect in Insert Image in Single Depth Column.
- Fixed issue with wrong Creation date in project info after first Store.
- Fixed possible deadlock when storing projects to EasyDB.
- Fixed blank preview of SVG files.
- Fixed issue with Store of some PPT files failing.
Import Project Data
- Added support for importing data from XLSX with interval data using Top and Bottom depth columns.
- Fixed import of data with EOI coming in as separate intervals.
Insert Images
- Show Height instead of Depth when inserting single depth image in outcrop log.
- Fixed: Batch insert of images switching from column supporting intervals to Core Description Image would not enable Bottom depth column.
- Fixed: Insert of SVG files did not work.
- Warn about incomplete legend when going to Print or Save & Send.
Lithology Dictionary
- Fixed issue with renaming of Qualifier jumping back to old name until clicking on other item in table.
- Show qualifier override colors in column context menus.
Name and Index Columns
- Changed default Data Representation to be Short Name instead of Long Name.
- Improved interface for locating missing image references in project. Use native Windows file dialog.
Project Templates
- Added two new Example Templates for inspiration.
Build 3.0.1 BETA
September 23, 2022
- Fixed inadequate database deletions when entire datamaps removed.
- Improved error message when connecting to a database that is not recognized as EasyDB.
- Removed Full-Text search as a requirement for deploying EasyDB
- Added easydb.dll to deployment package. It is needed when using Compression on data transfers.
- Added option to use TempDB instead of OLTP for temporary id tables.
- Fixed issue when batch importing caused clashes with existing project names.
- Removed prompt for missing images during batch import.
- Improved detection and reporting of EasyDB disconnects.
Column Custom Header
- Display Custom Header in the gray control header for all column types, and not just for Core Description Profile.
Composition Columns
- Fixed issue where deletion of interval would delete too much.
Freehand Columns
- Fixed issue where eraser tool would make segments invisible in Freehand column.
- Fixed issue causing Freehand column always drawing scale dependent ignoring column setting.
Name and Index Columns
- Fixed issue where undefined values were just drawn as white interval.
Overlaid Columns
- Fixed issue where the width on a group of overlaid columns would change after Customize, causing data to move horizontally in Symbols and Freehand overlaid columns.
Save as Image
- Fixed issue where saving column as image would freeze at 90% progress.
- Fixed issue with wrong resolution when saving photo column as image.
Save Project
- Fixed issue where selecting project from Recent list, would not prompt user to save changes to current project.
- Fixed issue where project file could be corrupted if process was interrupted during overwrite.
- Fixed issue with handles to menus not being released causing the program to eventually crash.
User Manual
- Renamed Help button to User Manual
Build 3.0.0 BETA
August 23, 2022
BETA release of EasyCore 3 with EasyDB
Build 2.1.7
March 21, 2022
- Fixed: Freehand column was not included in Bulk Shift.
- Allow setting the text on Gaps instead of hard-coded "GAP:".
Fill and Text
- Fixed issue with Text and Fill Pattern preview showing wrong colors.
- Fixed issue with switch from black to white text on colored background only done on very dark background.
- Fixed issue with some JPEG files giving error: "No more coded data".
LAS import
- Fixed issue with Header Error causing import of LAS file to fail.
Interbedded Section
- Fixed issue with Compressed Thin Beds not using correct pattern scale.
Build 2.1.6
September 13, 2021
- Fixed issue with Group of columns of same type being duplicated in Legend. Only show one sample using Group title.
- Fixed issue with Notes depth text only showing 1 decimal. We now show up to 2 decimals.
- Fixed issue with both context menu for Symbol changes, and Lithology menu coming up when righ-clicking a symbol.
Build 2.1.5
June 4, 2021
Column Group
- Fixed issue with application crashing when dragging all columns out of group.
Depth Column
- Allow font size down to 1 pt instead of 4, and adjust position to be useful for very narrow column.
Image Columns
- Added Delete Images button in the Customize dialog for Image Columns.
- Fixed issue with image disappearing when zooming very close in single depth image column.
Magnifier View
- Fixed issue with new project layouts not being available in the Magnifier View.
- Fixed issue with Magnifier View not fitting horizontally but instead having scrollbars when switching layout.
- Fixed issue with dotted line in Magnifier View being almost invisible on high dpi screen.
Non-ascii Names
- Fixed issues with temp files using non-ascii characters in the path. This could happen if the user login name used non-ascii characters.
- Suggest to restore older backups if newer backups are in use by running EasyCore.
Sample Numbers Column
- Added support for a Sample Numbers column showing both a marker and a sample number at depth.
Symbols Library
- Fixed issue with symbol group still being shown after deleting last symbol in it.
Build 2.1.4
March 23, 2021
Add Columns
- Renamed "Custom Interval Image Column" and "Custom Single Depth Image Column" to "Custom Image Column (Interval)" and "Custom Image Column (Single Depth)" to make it easier to find the right column type on the list.
- Added option to show Data Names in Composition column header together with the patterns and colors.
- Added option to control Pattern Scale for compositions.
- Fixed issue with visualization of imported composition data, where a composition was shown as being 0 % in the middle of an interval, where other compositions had data values.
- Fixed issue with Pattern and Color tool buttons being too small on high dpi screens.
- Fixed issue where Composition was not filled in at the top of a column if part of the Composition interval was above the viewport.
- Fixed issue with Vertical lines in composition only shown when mouse over column.
Context Menus
- Added support for color Tint controls in the context menu for images.
- Fixed issue with context menus being outside screen or far apart.
- Fixed issue with color sliders in context menu being reset to zero when right-clicking on an image.
Customize Column Header
- Added default matching Auto header when customizing Log Data header.
- Added support for Bold, Italic, and Underlined text when customizing a column header.
- Remember setting of last added/selected item to make customizing of column headers easier.
Data Export
- Data maps that are used in columns with a Depth Map enabled, are now by default exported using this Depth Map.
- Data Export using Fixed Interval can now be done with both the Depth column and a column with the depth defined by a Depth Map, which accommodate many geomodellers and petrophysicists needs.
- Added the possibility to use Notes as the basis for Interval Data export.
- Fixed issue with too many decimals on Depth values when using Depth Maps.
- Fixed issue with data entries missing at last depth when using Symbols as the basis for Interval data export.
- Changed default precision of data values to be 6 digits instead of 3, to not lose precision on Log Data.
Depth Column
- Fixed issue where major line numbers were not shown when adding a new Depth column.
- Removed the automatic addition of a Depth column when adding a Log Data column.
Depth Ruler
- Reset Depth Ruler to not show Gaps after closing Project.
Export Project Data
- The project Meta Data are now generally available from the Python scripts for better integration of import and export scripts.
- Added options to control the Gap text size and margins.
- Fixed issue with Reference View and Depth Ruler not always showing the correct depths when the Project has Gaps.
- Fixed issue where default Lithology set to Limestone would not always give a Limestone bed after adding a Sandstone bed.
Log Data
- Improved the control of Gradient Fill of Log Data curves.
Mouse Over
- Changed the mouse over Depth info to show the shifted depth as "Shift:" instead of "Log:".
New Project
- Added support for working with Height values instead of Depth, to make EasyCore better suited for Outcrops.
Pencil Tools
- Use screen dependent Pencil Tool thickness with dotted black on white (instead of just black dashes), identical for editing and highlighting.
Project Layouts
- Show "(Current)" in the Layout list to indicate that the Layout has been modified and not saved to a named Layout.
- Clear Layout list when closing Project, and disable Layout Store and Manager buttons.
Project Template
- Added list of existing Template names when saving a Template to make it easier to get the right name.
Snap to Depth
- Fixed issue where Snap to Depth was too difficult on high dpi screen.
Symbol Gallery
- Highlight the selected Symbol in the Symbol Gallery.
Build 2.1.3
December 5, 2020
Bulk Shift
- Fixed issue with interval symbols not being shifted up or disappearing.
- Fixed issue with bedding contact duplicate being left after bulk shift.
Colors Context Menu
- Fixed issue with image color context menu coming up behind other context menu.
Column Groups
- Fixed issue with column title being mirrored in overlaid columns group.
- Fixed issue with setting group header height to 0 causing columns widths to change.
Column Lock
- Change cursor on locked column to make it visually clear why you can't make changes to it.
- Added -exportfile option to be able to export project data to text file from command-line.
Data Export
- Removed degree symbol from Bedding Dip Angle values to be able to export it.
- Export Lithology Names change to be just called Lithology to be able to re-import directly.
- Changed default for data export to be Long Names instead of number values.
- Added support for exporting project data as tab separated values (.tsv) file.
Data Import
- Fixed issue with re-import of exported data giving errors because of EOI in lithology qualifier data.
- Ignore EOD following EOI instead of giving error when re-importing data we just exported.
- Fixed issue with legend pattern samples being drawn at position relative to top of page instead of top of sample.
Operator Logo
- Fixed issue with operator logo not being reset when starting new project.
- Fixed issue with operator logo looking very bad at small (down-scaled) sizes.
Split Bed
- Fixed issue with lithology context menu not disappearing after doing split of bed.
Build 2.1.2
September 3, 2020
Bulk Shift
- Added option to bulk shift using a depth interval together with a depth map.
- Added visualization (scissor symbol) to show where depth map was compressed by a bulk shift interval end.
Color Data Columns
- Show RGB values in mouse over info.
- Fixed issue where Color selection dialog was not initialized with current color selection (showed blue instead).
Composition Columns
- Added option to split interval. This is useful to add a new interval based on the previous interval.
Customized Column Headers
- Added color option to customized header texts.
Data Export
- Added options to export Wentworth categories for grain size.
- Added options to export RGB values from Color columns.
Default Template
- Removed Grain Size attribute for special entries like Missing Core in the template dictionary.
Depth Correction Tool
- Fixed issue where moving a depth marker could cause it to be copied instead.
- Fixed issue where an EasyCore client could cause the license server daemon to hang.
- Give more detailed message when unable to get a license, and if all licenses are in use, show who has a license and enable Retry button.
Log Data Columns
- Removed limitation of 8 data sets shown in Log Data header.
- Use header font name and size to control the text size of actual log headers.
- Fixed issue with mouse over info being cut off on screens using 200% text scale.
Build 2.1.1
June 23, 2020
Bulk Shift
- Added option to only bulk shift data in interval.
Columns Customization
- Added font size controls for text values in Bedding Dip Angle and Fracture columns.
Data Map Manager
- Added Clear button to remove data from a data map.
Export Project Data
- Added support for selection of data maps exported.
- Fixed: soft crash when exporting caused by unicode text.
- Fixed: Chinese characters not exported correctly to xls - showing ? instead of text.
Image Stretch
- Improved speed on rendering PDF image underlay with many stretch markers.
- Fixed: too low resolution on stretched images.
Import Project Data
- Added support for selection of data maps imported.
- Fixed: data type error when re-importing composition data.
LAS import
- Added functionality to select the log curves you want to import from LAS file.
- Improved speed when importing large LAS file.
- Added support for FlexNet licensing system.
Magnifier View
- Fixed: issues with Magnifier Window not updating when detached to other screen.
Save As Image
- Fixed: depth column values missing in saved CGM file.
Build 2.1.0
February 4, 2020)
Columns Interface
- Fixed: automatic fit of paper did not work when deleting a column.
- Removed empty Stratigraphy and Zones column types from interface.
- Fixed: save Column as Image or Print Column used margins that would cut the output.
- Added option to use Column title with customized header.
- Fixed: setting width on Side by Side columns group did not have any effect.
Composition Column
- Fixed: interval boundaries could not be moved when first composition data map was empty.
- Fixed: mouse cursors at interval boundary wrongly indicated that it could only be extended up or down.
- Fixed: pencil much too thick when zooming in composition column.
- Fixed: pencil dotted line was not visible when drawing on black (Porosity composition).
Core Description Profile Column
- Fixed: moving secondary grain size that did not start at top of bed with primary grain size being Silt or finer, would give wrong secondary grain size value at top.
- Fixed: Preserved Sample text was too big for very thin beds.
Depth Precision
- Added snap to 10s of depth unit when scale is large.
- Fixed: adding Single Depth Image gave different precision on depth in data than shown in column. Inserting at 101 ft could give 100.9946955 in data.
Depth Shift
- Added options to show Depth Map Stretch Indicators in Depth columns.
- Allow adding a single line fracture with a left click and a right click, instead of having to do two left clicks and end with a right click.
- Fixed: fracture depth in data had different precision than shown in column. Adding at 101 ft could give 100.998 ft in data.
- Fixed: fracture angle in data had different precision than shown in column. Adding fracture with angle 59.1 could give 59.0853 in data.
- Added options for Data Export of fracture Length and End Depth.
- Added option to not Center fractures in Fractures column.
Freehand Column
- Added Pen Scale in customize dialog.
- Fixed: drawing or erasing result in extraneous lines drawn until mouse is released.
Image Import
- Fixed: rotating image in batch import dialog and use multiple columns. The columns were numbered from right to left. Added button to reverse order instead.
- Improved: try to keep crop rectangles sizes and positions when changing number of crop columns.
Import/Export Data
- Fixed: import errors resulting from angle on rotated symbols not being accepted.
- Fixed: export to csv file already open in Excel gave Python rethrow error.
- Fixed: importing notes with Unicode text resulted in rethrow error.
- Added new Layouts window to make store and switch between layouts much easier.
- Fixed: switching to different layout could wrongly warn you that current layout had not been stored.
- Suggest last selected Layout name when storing current layout.
- Improved layout of Legend by using multiple columns depending on width, instead of always stretching to project width.
- Added point size option to control size of Legend symbol boxes.
- Added option to only compile legend for the current Depth Range.
- Added option to compile All values instead of just the used values
- Added options to show Legend at both Top and Bottom of project.
- Fixed: Dunham categories were shown without patterns in Legend.
Lithology Dictionary
- Fixed: selecting several patterns in Lithology Dictionary and Export to File, you got the first pattern in all files, but with different names.
Lithology Patterns
- Added option to scale patterns in the Core Description Profile and Lithology columns.
Log Data Column
- Added data import interface to select which data maps to add, and if they should replace or append to existing data.
- Added option to visualize log data as Bars.
- Fixed: on high dpi screens with scaled text, the mouse over info could be cut off.
- Fixed: too many digits shown on min/max range. Reduced from 12 to 6 digits.
- Fixed: log data numbers were not vertical centered on depth.
Magnifier View
- Fixed: the Magnifier showed incorrect depth beneath Gaps.
- Added Core Photographs and other photo columns as selection options for Magnifier.
Notes Column
- Fixed: if the notes column had an interval note at the topmost depth, the top depth could not be adjusted down but only up.
- Added option to show Depth on notes, either at the Start of the note or at Top of it.
- Fixed: depth corrections could be lost when reopening project.
- Fixed: Save as Project Template dialog was too big for smaller ( < 768 pixels high) screens.
Symbol Column
- Fixed: wrong scale on interval symbol indicator arrows when adding symbol, depending on screen scale.
- Fixed: no interval symbol indicators before releasing mouse, when adding symbol by dragging from bottom and up.
- Fixed: toggling Sticky Symbol off you would still add a symbol in column. Switch to Pick tool.
Text and Fill Column
- Fixed: text in selection menu for Facies and other Text and Fill columns was not scaled for high dpi screens.
- Fixed: do not ask if user wants to modify data when adding a new Text and Fill value in customize.
- Fixed: close project with Zoom tool active and open a new project, the zoom tool would still be active but the ribbon interface showed the selection tool as active.
Build 2.0.4
September 21, 2019
Core Description Image
- Fixed: horizontally adjusted image had parts missing. Problem was introduced with version 2.0.2.
- Fixed: import of LAS data did not work. Problem was introduced with version 2.0.3.
Build 2.0.3
August 31, 2019
- Fixed issue where EasyCore did not start if an error was encountered when checking for old backups.
- Fixed: right clicking in Composition column did not give composition choices menu when the Pencil tool was toggled on.
Column Groups
- Added option to change appearance of lines between columns in side-by-side groups.
Column Template
- Added option to rename data maps when adding columns using a column template.
Bedding Contacts
- Fixed: bedding contact without actual bed blocked for adding beds below it.
- Fixed: when using Duplicate in Bedding Contact Dictionary, the new contact was highlighted but not selected.
- Fixed issue where hand-drawn gradational contact would cause a hard crash.
Default Template
- Added new Completion column to EasyCore default template as an example of using fill patterns.
- Added Primary Dunham texture to the default template.
Fill Patterns
- Added new options to use patterns as fill in Text and Fill columns.
Header / Legend
- Fixed issue where the header would overlap the columns.
- Fixed issue where text and fill description would overprint margin.
- Fixed issue where long strings were truncated in legend.
- Fixed issue where symbols used in grouped columns did not compile to legend.
Image Stretch
- Improved visibility of stretch markers.
- Added Stretch Image to Width and Reset Stretch Markers as buttons in dialog instead of only in context menu.
- Fixed issue where horizontal image stretch would make sections of the image invisible.
- Fixed issue where a horizontal scrollbar would appear when resizing the window.
Interval Image Column
- Removed Import Images option when adding interval image column to avoid soft crash.
Log Data
- Added option to display bidirectional data (i.e. Grain Size) in log data column.
- Added options to replace or append data and exclude data sets when importing data.
- Fixed overprinting issue in log data column when data was outside min or max.
Save as Image
- Fixed issue where Save as Image would give wrong dimensions on raster.
Single Depth Image Column
- Fixed soft crash when clicking OK in single depth image import dialog without image selected/captured.
Split Interval
- Added Split Interval as an option for all interval data columns.
Stylus Pen
- Fixed: it was very difficult to add a single depth note using the stylus pen.
- Fixed: issue where using the stylus to remove contact would pick the contact above.
- Added option to split symbol track to sub-tracks to allow aligned symbols.
- Fixed: symbol group visibility toggles did not work in description column.
- Fixed: symbol group visibility toggles was missing in symbol column.
- Fixed issue where symbols based on raster images would show up as gray boxes.
- Fixed: changing interval symbol depths, you needed to do 2 undoes to get back. The first undo would remove the symbol.
- Lock images embedded in symbols to avoid problem with files being deleted.
Temporary Files
- Improved error checking when copying network files to temporary files.
Build 2.0.2
June 7, 2019
Bedding Contacts
- Fixed: removed contact was not visual, but still present in actual data.
Column Groups
- Fixed: in some cases the bottom line was missing on group header bounding box.
- Fixed: the resize cursor would not show when moving mouse from inside group to boundary.
- Fixed: in some cases compositions could not be added/changed by dragging from left/right edge or boundary.
- Fixed: in many cases a composition interval could only be made larger and not smaller again.
- Fixed: in some cases where the mouse was moved from one interval to another, a change of composition was done in the interval where the mouse came from.
- Fixed: import of data having same name as already used in composition, you would have 2 visualizations of the same name in the column.
- Fixed: Vertical Lines toggle was always toggled on when using Customize on Composition column.
- Added Show only used Values option to Composition column.
Core Description Profile
- Fixed: Wentworth and Dunham text info could overlap on screens with large text scale.
Core Photos
- Fixed: image selection box was full image width and not the cropped size.
- Added context tip to Freehand tool.
- Removed Freehand data maps from Data Export choices.
- Fixed: depth ruler did not match at Gap when scale was changed.
- Fixed: Import Project from project file would freeze at 72%, and you had to click Cancel button to get rid of progress dialog.
Injected Bed
- Fixed: in some cases injected bed tools would be ignored based on a non-obvious column selection property.
Insert Images
- Fixed: zooming in to crop an image exactly and then going to the next image, the view was zoomed out.
- Fixed: grain size sliders in Interbedded dialog were not intuitive when description column was in a group.
Magnifier View
- Fixed: toggling Magnifier View on/off, when no project was open, did not show/hide the Magnifier docking window.
- Fixed: the Magnifier View did not update when scrolling down - only after the mouse position changed.
- Fixed: the Magnifier View scrolled down when changing symbol scale or rotation by dragging slider/wheel.
- Added Horizontal Line visual option in Depth Dots column. Intended for use in over/underlay to place arbitrary horizontal lines.
- Fixed: some settings were taken from wrong user folder (.easycopy instead of .easycore).
Snap to Depth
- Fixed: snap to depth was not snapping to depth boundaries of data maps inside column groups.
Stacking Patterns
- Fixed: in some cases interval could not be changed by right clicking on interval in stacking patterns columns.
Stretch Image
- Fixed: Stretch Image to Width used the full image size and not the cropped size.
- Fixed: import of Symbol data without x-position or scale set, would give symbol at position 0 (left margin in symbols column) and size 1 pt, making it virtually invisible.
- Fixed: moving or duplicating symbol the depth shown at the mouse position was the original depth and not the depth you were moving to.
- Fixed: rotation of symbol would sometimes give value + 360 degrees in data export, show as 359 degrees in context menu, and could not be imported again.
- Fixed: moving or duplicating symbol would give depth with too many decimals.
- Fixed: symbol scale was doubled in context menu.
- Added spin box to set rotation value.
Build 2.0.1
May 15, 2019
Bedding Contacts
- Added option to Split Bed by adding a bedding contact at depth.
- Added option to Remove Contact at depth.
- Added new functionality to Group columns Side by Side or Overlaid.
- Added special Underlay and Overlay groups.
- Added new Automatic option to fit paper to columns.
- Added customization of all column headers.
- Added simple drag functionality to set Composition value on interval.
- Added simple drag functionality to easily change the Composition on intervals with constant values.
- Added functionality to automatically match lithology in Composition if already defined for interval.
- Fixed issue with dashed depth indicator line missing when mouse was in Composition column.
- Fixed issue with deletion of Composition interval being too difficult because you needed to know the depths.
- Fixed issue where the Composition header was missing when saving project as image.
Enumeration Column
- Added option to set text size on Enumeration values.
Export Data
- Fixed issue with export of Interval data repeating single depth Notes in intervals below the actual depth.
- Fixed issue with Injected Bed data repeated on intervals below the actual depth.
Free Hand
- Added new Free Hand sketching column with simple pencil tool.
- Added support for different colors for Histogram values.
- Added Solid Boxes as an option to only show color at the actual Histogram value.
- Added simple drag functionality to be able to change Histogram values.
- Fixed issue with vertical lines missing in Histogram column drawn as Curve when values increasing from Right to Left.
- Fixed issue with value info being cut off for real number Histogram when values increasing from Right to Left.
- Fixed issue with range in header being reversed when values increasing from Right to Left.
- Added selection of Layout in the Data Columns view.
- Added selection of Layout in the Reference view for better customization.
- Fixed issue with names shown in Legend not being the same as Column Titles.
Lithology Dictionary
- Added new Custom Classification Options to support Secondary/Tertiary Grain Sizes or Dunham values.
Log Data
- Added Cross, Triangle and Square as visualization options for log data.
Magnifier View
- Added new Magnifier View docking window, to be able to see a detailed view of a specific columns layout.
Reference View
- Improved Reference View to give better overview and easier selection of working depth.
Rock Color and Oil Stain
- Removed Rock Color and Oil Stain auto-correlate functionality.
Save Project
- Added Save Project option to easily save a project in the same name without being prompted for it.
- Fixed issue with not being able to move a symbol using a Stylus pen.
- Fixed issue with not being able to draw a bed with a gap to the previous bed when using a Stylus pen.
- Fixed issue with Paste Beds not being possible when using a Stylus pen (added to context menu).
- Added possibility to insert Symbol as an interval.
- Fixed issue with duplication of rotated Symbol no longer being rotated.
- Fixed issue with Symbol scale not matching the column settings.
- Fixed issue with Symbols blocking selection outside the visual bounding rectangle.
- Fixed issue where the last used template was not remembered if it was a system template.
Text Scale
- Fixed issue with some mouse over info being too small on screen using a high dpi text scale.
Build 1.3.12
December 12, 2018
Gradational Bedding Contact
- Fixed: color missing on bed below gradational contact.
Build 1.3.11
December 11, 2018
Save as PDF
- Fixed: color fill missing when saving project with gradient fill on Log Data curve.
Build 1.3.10
November 30, 2018
Data Export
- Fixed: too many digits shown on depths in Data Export.
- Fixed: image rendering could be very slow for large images when width was an odd number.
- Fixed: python error when trying to import LAS data. (problem introduced with python update for 1.3.9)
- Fixed: after Import Project Data the Undo button was dimmed until you clicked somewhere on canvas.
Build 1.3.9
November 11, 2018
Application Execution
- Fixed: application failed to run because of missing ucrt dlls.
- Fixed: application failed to run on system where user name was set in a non-latin language (Chinese, Arabic, Russian, etc.)
Bedding Dip Angle
- Fixed: the horizontal line was written across the angle for a narrow column.
Composition Columns
- Fixed: too many 0 values in mouse-over info for composition column with many components. (only show when no more than 8 components)
- Fixed: horizontal dashed overlay line crossing all columns was not shown when mouse in composition track.
- Fixed: preview showed (uninitialized) noise when adding new point in composition column.
- Fixed: hand-drawn composition would in some cases result in incorrect values for the part to the left of the drawn line.
Data Export
- Fixed: data export sub-menu would sometimes disappear and stay gone.
Enumeration Columns
- Fixed: mouse-over depth info missing on Enumeration columns.
Grain Size
- Fixed: the grain size pencil indicator (dotted line introduced in 1.3.8) was drawn in opposite direction for Left to Right descriptions.
- Fixed: the grain size pencil indicator sometimes (zooming in) did not follow the grain size curve.
- Fixed: the grain size pencil indicators stayed visible during the drawing process.
Histogram Columns
- Fixed: histogram tick marks were not in the same positions as the vertical lines.
- Fixed: histogram column with "Increasing from right to left" showed range in opposite direction in header.
- Fixed: images imported in multiple columns were named incorrectly and therefore disappeared.
- Fixed: searching for images moved to different path caused a crash.
- Fixed: searching for images moved to different path asked for full path name, it should only ask for folder.
Import Project Data
- Fixed: import project data, undo, redo, undo, redo could cause soft crash.
- Fixed: the project depth range was not adjusted to the imported data.
- Fixed: symbol position was specified in points instead of relative position in column.
Log Data
- Fixed: solid fill on log data with Limit Sample Gap on, would draw fills across gaps.
- Fixed: logarithmic display clashed with data values of 0.
- Fixed: application hangs when drawing a logarithmic curve where final value is negative.
- Fixed: errors reading LAS file with empty lines in header sections and/or comment lines in data section.
Notes Columns
- Fixed: single depth Notes arrow covered part of text.
Progress Dialog
- Fixed: progress dialog would sometimes disappear before task was completed.
- Fixed: progress reached 100% much too soon when saving project with gaps.
Project Files
- Improved error handling when loading and saving project files.
Project Header
- Fixed: switching back to Standard Header to undo Imported Header, the layout had boxes and text in wrong positions.
Project Scale
- Fixed: changing the scale the view-port moved to a different depth.
- Fixed: symbols with non-default center were drawn incorrectly. It was seen on firmground contact.
Temp Files
- Fixed: temp files used by a project, were not locked in temp directory, and could be deleted by automated cleanup.
Vertical Text
- Fixed: vertical text direction not applied to column data strings in Rock Color and Chronostratigraphy columns.
Build 1.3.8
June 28, 2018
- Added possibility to change data map name when using Column template.
- Fixed: soft crashes when having only single data map in composition column.
- Fixed: unable to select no pattern if pattern was already chosen in composition column.
- Fixed: soft crash when deleting value in stacking pattern/fill and text widget when first adding column.
- Fixed: soft crash when deleting value that had already been used in column.
- Fixed: Fracture column seen to not update before next fracture is added.
- Fixed: using Enumeration column with spaces between intervals, the number is not stepped up, but always shows 1.
- Fixed: unable to add columns with visualization of data that is already imported.
- Fixed: entering values manually in Composition column the preview only updates the first time you set a value.
- Fixed: recent colors missing in Rock Color menu.
Core Description Profile
- Fixed: dunham class not shown in overlay when creating new bed.
- Fixed: horizontal image stretch widget offset problem when document uses margins.
- Fixed: setting default lithology to Limestone, it should not take effect when clicking on clay/silt/very fine sand at finer grain sizes than the first Dunham (Mudstone).
- Fixed issue where carbonates snapped to values that was deleted from Dumham classification.
- Changed default to Not compress symbols in Symbol column and in the Core Description column.
- Show dashed line for current bedding contact or profile when activating pencil tool.
Data Export / Manager
- Added support for export of depth maps in general Data Export.
- Show depth maps in Data Map Manager.
Docking Windows
- Fixed issue causing crash when toggling docking windows on and off.
License Service
- Fixed: License Service failed to start ecdaemon process on updated Windows 10.
Mouse-over info
- Fixed: In lots of cases mouse-over info stayed visible even when going into dialogs.
- Fixed: updating paper units in rulers does not update project setting.
- Fixed: current paper unit not shown with check-mark in context menu for ruler.
PDF output
- Improved clip usage when writing PDF.
- Fixed: failed to create large PDF file because of 2GB buffer limit.
Pencil Tool
- Fixed: Pencil Tool cursor too small on high dpi screen.
- Display indicator lines of where Pencil Tool will take effect (contact, grain size or injected bed).
- Fixed: pop up menu with lithology choices does not show if using pencil tool without any beds defined yet.
- Fixed: EasyCopy printers did not produce any output on updated Windows 10.
- Fixed: default lithology set in dictionary not remembered when reopening project.
Build 1.3.7
May 16, 2018
Bedding Contacts
- Fixed issue where Shape and Preview windows in Contact Dictionary dialog were too small on high dpi screens.
- Fixed issue where mouse over info did not show contact name.
- Fixed issue where contact shape was not drawn when there was no neighboring bed.
- Fixed issue where a qualifier override color did not get applied beneath a gradational bedding contact.
- Fixed issue where Clear Contacts legend caused a crash.
- Fall back to straight appearance if contact is missing from contact dictionary.
Custom Classification
- Fixed issue where entering numbers in Custom Classification Scale dialog could be very tricky.
Lithology Dictionary
- Added option for default Lithology choice.
- Fixed issue where null values in Notes column blocked entry and editing of new notes in positions above the value.
- Optimizations when opening, saving and viewing projects.
- Fixed issue where cancellation of document loading did not work.
Save As
- Removed PPT option.
Stylus Pen
- Fixed issue where lifting the stylus pen too fast would cause problems.
- Fixed issue where SVG files were rendered with wrong background color.
- Fixed issue where a horizontal scrollbar appeared when not wanted.
- Fixed issue where zoom was not being properly centered at non-default screen dpi.
Build 1.3.6
March 2, 2018
Bedding Contacts
- Added Bedding Contacts Dictionary to make it possible to create your own bedding contacts.
Core Description Column
- Fixed issue where changing font size on Core Description Column header did not have any effect.
- Added Grain Size coarseness (fU, cL, ...) to mouse-over info for beds.
Data Export
- Fixed issue where saving a profile for export of Rock Color would always give hex code in output when using the profile.
- Changed default precision for export of Grain Size to only give 3 decimals.
Depth Column
- Added Number Spacing 500 and 1000 to Depth columns projects with very large scale.
Depth Shift
- Fixed issue where depth shift of Symbols could cause a crash when having multiple symbols at the same depth.
- Fixed issue with notes and injected not bulk shifting correctly.
Insert Images
- Made it easier to read numbers on image parts when using multi-crop tool.
- Allow setting Bottom depth when inserting images instead of calculating Height.
Log Data
- Changed question when removing data map from Log Data column to not misguide users to remove data from project.
- Changed scale steps to use values 3 and 6 instead of 3.2 and 6.5
- Fixed issue with Scale spin box being too small on screen with 200% scaled text.
- Increased max scale to 10000.
- Fixed issue where compressed symbols that are very close would appear as an X (arrow up and down from same point)
Build 1.3.5
February 1, 2018
Data Export
- Fixed issue where data maps would appear multiple times in the Interval combo box.
- Fixed issue with too many digits used for export of project data.
- Fixed issue where EOI marker was missing when EOI marker was empty.
Insert Images
- Added support for rotation of images.
- Fixed issue causing import of LAS files to fail.
- Added support for LAS files with non-latin names.
- Fixed crash in Customize Lithology when setting Color Fill to Same as Interval Column and "None" in Interval Coloration.
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to see that depth was snap adjusted because of too few digits used.
- Fixed issue where toggling off View Column Headers would not take effect after New Project or restart.
Build 1.3.4
January 26, 2018
- Fixed issue where chronostratigraphy columns did not redraw.
Column headers
- Added colors and patterns header to composition columns.
- Added optional range header to histogram columns.
- Added option to use common group title on columns by using special tag in titles.
- Added option to split column title on two lines by using tag.
- Added option to insert horizontal line in column title by using tag.
- Improved speed of Composition redrawing.
Core Description Profile
- Fixed issue where more than 2 grain sizes could be entered on the same depth causing the bed to be drawn partly inverted.
- Added options to export data as long names, short names, or values.
- Added the option to have histogram columns with non-integer values.
- Fixed issue that prevented import of csv files with semicolons.
- Fixed issue where import of symbol failed because of negative rotation angle.
- Added options to Compile Column Legend to only compile selected columns.
- Fixed issue where entering the license password would cause a license to be taken for 30 minutes.
- Fixed issue where EasyCore did not create a backup project.
- Fixed issue saving project with images that had cyrillic or chinese characters.
- Fixed issue where a data map name could in 2 lines, which caused the project not to open correctly.
- Improved speed for redrawing and backup that caused EasyCore to slow down on large projects.
- Changed scale to be a simple 1:Number scale.
- Fixed issue where snap to depth did not snap to the correct values when a depth shift was applied to the column.
Stacking Patterns
- Added homogeneous stacking pattern type.
- Added option to change color on stacking pattern.
- Added option to have several stacking patterns of same type.
Vertical text
- Added option to show vertical text in bottom-up direction.
- Removed Mouseover Info toggle
- Removed Snap Info toggle
- Fixed issue where the Reference View would not be drawn correctly on screens using scaled up text and items.
Build 1.3.3
November 7, 2017
Composition column
- Fixed issue where the last datamap in composition was not shown in column tip.
- Fixed issue with rearranging data in Composition column. Clicking pattern and Cancel the order was reset. Clicking color showed wrong color for data.
Core Description Profile column
- Fixed issue with Carbonate beds showing with a slight offset when not using automatic rounding of corners.
Core Photos column
- Allow bulk shift of core photos to correct depth without applying a depth map.
Data Export
- Fixed issue where duplicate Grain Size in data export would cause a soft crash.
- Added rounding of depth to pixel precision in interface.
- Show snapped depth in column tip.
- Fixed issue where gaps in the project would cause mouse interaction to change data at incorrect depth.
- Fixed issue printing interval if gaps were present above the visible interval.
- Adjusted colors on rulers and columns header view to give a sharper uniform look.
- Added dotted lines between symbol groups, and increased the height to make it look less cramped.
- Fixed issue where EasyCore opened up with project fit all inside view before switching to fit width.
- Adjusted Data Export dialog size to show more datamap lines, and have a wider preview window.
- Rearranged Customize Classification Scale dialog to avoid it being too tall for some screens.
- Fixed issue where using the Color Picker would leave blank menu window.
- Added standard shortcuts Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End to move fast to top or bottom.
Import data
- Fixed issue where long long value in metadata caused error when parsing LAS file.
- Fixed issue where column with incorrect data in LAS file caused error in
- Fixed issue that prevented user from deleting notes.
- Fixed issue where setting on project page would not be updated, causing the project to return to a previously changed value.
Stylus pen
- Fixed issue where it was too difficult to get pencil tool on bedding contact using the Stylus pen.
- Fixed issue not allowing you to draw a bed from an arbitrary depth when using the Stylus pen.
Text and fill columns
- Fixed issue with colors showing wrong in selection menu if the indexes were not continuous.
Build 1.3.2
October 8, 2017
Column Depth Info
- Fixed issue where the column depth info could end up outside screen.
Log Data
- Fixed issue where adding fill between curves would result in an extraneous line in the depth info.
- Fixed issue where symbols would get added twice on Surface computers having the Wintab driver installed.
Text and Fill columns
- Fixed issue where the text was not scaled correctly and clipped by bed boundary.
Build 1.3.1
October 2, 2017)
Composition column
- Added custom Composition to legend.
- Added status bar info about using Ctrl key in Composition column.
Core Description / Lithology column
- Added Copy/Paste of beds in Core Description column. Beds can also be copied to Excel for editing and pasted back in EasyCore.
- Added option to use the colors from other Facies and other interval columns as background color on Lithology. Can also be customized separately for Lithology column.
- Added option to disable pattern tiling (repetition) in Lithology column.
- Fixed issue where deleting carbonate beds could cause NULL value in grain size data at bed boundary.
Export Data
- Show unit (mm or phi) in Data Export of Grain Size.
- Changed short name on facies "Muddy Slump" to "slm". It had same short name "slmx" as "Mixed sandy / muddy slump".
- Now using Qt version 5.9.1
- Added mouse over info for Rock Color, Oil Stain, Depositional Environment, and other enumerates columns.
- Fixed issues with very small indicator arrows on ribbon drop down buttons when displayed on high resolution screen (text scaled 150-200%).
- Fixed issued with several dialogs being too small when displayed on high resolution screen (text scaled 150-200%).
- Fixed issue where flexible columns may end up having negative width if the sum of fixed columns exceed paper width.
Import Project Data
- Added vertical splitter in Import Project Data dialog.
Insert Images
- Fixed issue with wrong top/bottom depth when using default file name parsing on standard file names (Well_Core1_Box1_20000-20003.jpg)
Log Data
- Added option to fill between log data curves.
- Fixed issue preventing top border of interval note from being moved downward.
- Fixed issue preventing user to add note between two interval notes.
- Fixed issue causing marker line for single depth note to appear without arrowhead after reopening a project.
- Fixed issue with wrong size of notes on scaled text screen.
- Fixed issue with incorrect warning about clipped text in Notes column on scaled text screen.
Pencil tool
- Added Pencil tool toggle in View tab.
- Fixed issue where shape drawn with pencil tool was lost when changing lithology.
- Fixed issue where changing top and bottom depth did not have an effect when unit was meter.
- Fixed issue where unit set in Log Data column was not saved in project.
- Optimized memory usage to be able to handle large number of high-resolution images.
Save & Send
- Fixed issue where changing to JPEG format did not give warning about 65K size limit.
- Added support for one-button Stylus for Surface Pro 4 and other Windows tablets where this pen can be used.
Text and Fill columns
- Added small margin to avoid vertical texts to look like one long continuous name.
Build 1.3.0
June 7, 2017
Composition Column
- Made pattern name match case-insensitive.
Custom Classification
- Do not write "Core Description Profile" in header of customized classification.
- Fixed issue where the Edit box still showed Tickmark settings after deleting a Tickmark.
Custom Color Palette
- Fixed issue that prevented custom color palettes to be saved between sessions.
- Added general export of interval data with top and bottom depth. The user can choose the column controlling the intervals.
- Fixed issue with export of Rock Color that made it impossible to output both Hex Code and Closest Munsell Rock Color.
- Allow general customization of Facies values and names.
- Fixed issues with too narrow dialogs on high dpi display.
Insert Images
- Added general interface for to control the parsing of depths, core box, and other information from file names.
- Added option to check out license for offline usage.
Lithologies Dictionary
- Added possibility to duplicate lithologies in dictionary for easier customization.
Log Data
- Added option to show vertical value lines.
Build 1.2.12
March 24, 2017
- Fixed issue with negative depth values (outcrop) not showing correctly in data export.
- Fixed clipping issue when using multiple gaps.
- Fixed problem importing csv files with many columns
- Fixed problem with undo of imported data map
- Fixed problem with depth column value being limited to length of first data name, instead of number of headers.
Log Data
- Fixed issue with dots not showing logarithmic scale correctly for the option "line and dots".
Build 1.2.11
December 16, 2016
Core Description Image Stretch
- Fixed: Horizontal stretching markers outside image would cause display error.
- Fixed problem with stretching core description images as it was hard to avoid grabbing markers because pixel distance was too big
- Added vertical dotted line in image stretch dialog to show mouse position precisely.
Core Description Profile
- Fixed: Pencil tool capped at right side when using left to right orientation.
- Fixed problem with snap to grain size not depending on zoom.
- Fixed error in coated grains pattern.
Injected Bed
- Fixed: Could not switch to injected bed tools when using pan/zoom tools.
- Fixed: Soft crash when opening project with EMF core images.
- Fixed: Project with very large images saved and reopened as ecprjz causes freezes because of unneeded inline data dumps.
Build 1.2.10
November 14, 2016
- Fixed issue with missing backup.
Core Description Profile column
- Fixed soft crash after "Add core description column".
- Fixed issue where left border on Core Description column would disappear.
- Added option to delete Core Description Image.
Core Description image
- Fixed: If core description image was wider than column it was clipped when entering horizontal stretch dialog.
- Fixed: A stretched core description image would change horizontal width when doing depth adjustments.
- Fixed issue where stretched core description image was clipped at bottom.
Data Export
- Fixed issue that allowed you to change values in Data Export table preview.
- Show Plugs as X instead of EOI.
Depositional Environment
- Fixed issue where selecting Cancel in Color dialog would still change color for Depositional Environment.
- Fixed issue with Color dialog not being initialized with current Depositional Environment.
- Fixed issue where numbers on Depth ruler was clipped because of depth correction.
- Show both log and data depth at mouse position in data column where depth map applies.
Fill and Text column
- Fixed error when first deleting entries in fill and text and then changing color.
Import Custom Header
- Fixed issue with two file open dialogs when importing custom header.
Import Project
- Fixed issue where importing a project would fail because data crossed [0,0].
- Fixed issue where you could have several open Interbedded dialogs.
- Fixed issue with black lines drawn outside Interbedded section.
- Increased minimum value for absolute thickness to avoid scientific E notation.
- Reduced width of lines between beds to avoid dominating very thin beds.
Lithology column
- Fixed issue where the depth and lithology shown at mouse position was wrong because of depth correction.
Notes column
- Fixed issue where copying text from Office program would insert text as single cell table with no border, making it difficult to edit.
- Fixed issue where the Text dialog would show wrong font information when entering dialog.
- Added Transparent choice for text background color, to be able to reset it.
- Fixed issue with empty lines not having any effect Notes column.
- Fixed issue with Bullet List being clipped on the left.
- Fixed issue with no depth shown at mouse position in Notes Column.
- Fixed issue with text background color fill overlapping depth indicator for Note,
- Fixed issue with Note depth indicator being clipped when depth shifted.
Plugs column
- Fixed issue making it difficult to move Plugs.
- Fixed: Closing Symbol library, it is still marked as visible in ribbon.
- Fixed issue with image stretch markers being saved in Template, giving strange result when inserting image.
- Added Save Project as Template in File tab.
- Added check on version number when loading templates to prevent using a template from a newer version.
- Fixed issue where Undo was not enabled/updated after Customize column.
Build 1.2.9
August 5, 2016
Core Description Profile
- Added Classification customization to give detailed control of Wentworth and modified Dunham positions.
- Added Image Stretch in customization to make underlying image match your classification scale.
- Fixed issue where resizing carbonate beds when working Left to Right did not show the dotted line in the correct position.
- Fixed issue that caused pencil tool to cause a lock in the description column.
- Working left to right the snap info is now displayed on the right hand side of the bed.
- Indicated bed is now semi-transparent to make digitizing on top of image easier.
- Fixed issue where the Dunham range was not positioned correctly when setting Max in Wentworth to cU or something finer.
Data Export
- Added option to Crop Data to specified range in Data Export menu.
- Fixed problem preventing deletion of dip reading.
- Fixed problem preventing deletion of fracutre.
Depth shift
- Fixed problem that could cause upwards bulk shift to fail.
- Removed Lithotype as one of the options for permanent shift (it shifts with Core Description)
- Fixed issue causing text in notes column to be clipped when depth map is applied.
- Fixed problem positioning note in notes column with depth shift.
- Fixed error when combining bulk shift and depth markers when a depth marker was dragged from above into a bulk shift.
- Fixed problem where defining a web link in notes sometimes failed.
- Fixed issue where some parts of patterns looked wrong when saving as PDF.
- Fixed wrong tool tip on data columns.
- Fixed problem where undo stack would lock when an error was reported.
Build 1.2.8
June 2, 2016
Core Photos Column
- Fixed: image selection tool did not take depth shift into account.
Depth Columns
- Fixed: "Feet" setting in depth column works as "Project default".
- Fixed problem importing project into other project.
- Fixed: cannot open an .ecprjz project file with a manually modified name.
- Fixed issue that closed current project when saving as template.
- Fixed: adding a symbol to a new group, the group did not show up in the interface.
- Fixed: text in callouts pasted from EasyCopy disappeared due to excess margins.
Build 1.2.7
May 3, 2016
- Added Bar charts visualization in composition column.
- Fixed issue with positioning of columns after enabling/disabling display of log header/column header.
- Depth correction tool available in interval image columns.
- Added Horizontal scale option in interval image options dialog.
- Added irregular stretch on images
Log Data
- Added Gradient, Pattern, and Solid fills for curves.
- Added Logarithmic option for drawing curves.
- Added option to specify a limit on the size of gaps in samples on curves.
- Added buttons to rearrange order of curves in option dialog for log data.
- Significantly increased limit on paper scale.
- Performance improvements for faster redrawing.
Plugs / Depth Dots
- Significantly increased limit on paper scale.
- Added symbol library in Ribbon in addition to the symbol library docking window.
- Fixed incomplete rendering of a couple of builtin symbols.
- Fixed issue where adding a symbol to the Symbols column would move an already existing symbol.
- Fixed issue with missing preview when importing symbol from clipboard.
Build 1.2.6
April 6, 2016
Core Description
- Fixed issue with missing bottom outline of top bed for Burrowed, Bioturbated, Firmground and Hardground contacts.
- Fixed issue with wrong color on Chert bed when having Gradational contact to bed above.
Image Import
- Fixed issue with EasyCore crashing when trying to import images.
Log Data
- Added support for importing Log Data from LAS files.
- Fixed issue with Log Data not showing when reopening project.
- Fixed issue with project not opening because of bad depth markers.
Build 1.2.5
February 25, 2016
Bedding Contacts
- Added Burrowed and Fault bedding contacts.
Column View
- Fixed issue with missing Lock toggle on some interactive columns.
Core Box
- Added Custom Enumeration Column to support core box numbering.
Core Description Profile Column
- Fixed issue where missing core became default lithology.
- Fixed issue with wrong color on Gradational contact between carbonate and other lithology.
- Fixed issue with wrong color on Chert bed below Gradational contact.
- Now shows unknown lithology (not in dictionary) same way as "missing".
Core Photo Shifting
- Added general Bulk Shift capability on all columns.
- Added Drillers Depth and Core Depth as seperate columns in default project template.
- Fixed issue where all imported photos were cropped to the size of the first image.
- Added support for csv files using ";" as seperators.
- Fixed issue with UAC prompt showing temporary msi name during installation.
iPoint Integration
- Added support for storing EasyCore project in iPoint with an image of the core description.
- Fixed issue preventing conversion of archive projects to the non-archive version.
- Fixed issue with problematic limit on allowed size for archive type projects.
- Added option for fixed % scale of Symbols in Customize menu.
- Fixed issue with Scale slider not working in Symbols column.
Build 1.2.4
October 26, 2015
- Fixed: deleting gaps leaves extra space at bottom of horizontal slider.
- Fixed: issue with moving custom grain size curve.
- Fixed: wrong numbers in header when setting KB and WD as depth values.
- Fixed: depth display at bottom did not consider gaps.
- Added options to set a step for Histogram values.
- Changed max. value for Histogram column from 30 to 99999.
- Fixed: issue seen finishing "injected bed polygon" with right click.
- Fixed: browse for logo did not remember last directory.
- Fixed: memory leak when starting new project without closing existing.
- Fixed: memory leak issues with images.
- Fixed: issue with projects if datamap contains comma in the name.
- Fixed: issue with characters changing after save/load.
- Added: sanity check on document after save. If it fails to load correctly give a warning and do not overwrite existing file.
- Fixed: changing layout did not update settings on project page which made later changes cause settings to jump back.
- Changes: don't use compress thin beds in default project.
- Fixed: selecting qualifier from menu sometimes selected through two menus.
- Fixed: selection box and move of rotated symbol was not shown as rotated.
- Added: numerical symbol size in addition to slider in context menu.
- Fixed: status bar only informed about how to move symbols no matter if only a bed or a bedding contact is on mouse position.
- Changed: paper unit will now change to cm when depth unit is changed to m and to in when depth unit changed to ft.
- Fixed: issue with Column Width precision when using cm as unit.
Build 1.2.3
August 14, 2015
- Fixed: dll for camera support was missing in installation.
- Fixed: clay grain size would snap to "c" at position about half way to the "c" tickmark.
- Fixed: creating beds with grainsizes > 9 on phi scale (grain sizes below "c") would not match mouse position exactly.
- Fixed issue where Claystone and Mudstone beds were drawn with rounded corners when changed using context menu.
- Fixed issue where Lithologies menu on Windows Surface was inactive until you had clicked other context menu down with Pen.
- Fixed: Customize dialog was not shown on Surface when using context menu on canvas column header with Pen.
- Fixed: moving Fractures column next to Core Description Profile Column, the vertical separator line was missing.
- Fixed issue with missing pattern on Breccia and Conglomerate injected beds.
- Fixed issue with Notes printing with black background on Windows printers.
- Fixed: Projects with negative top depth showed up blank.
- Fixed issue with rasters used in symbols not showing up for symbols embedded in project but not in users symbol library.
- You can now see a symbol while moving it on canvas.
Build 1.2.2
July 27, 2015
- Image color properties popup now shows existing color modification.
- Removed color modes from image color properties popup.
- Fix to missing refresh when setting image color properties.
- Fix to color settings on images applied twice when reopening project.
- Fix to colordropper occasionally getting off color because of rubberband.
- Fixed problem that gave wrong pattern when using drag/drop of imported pattern.
- Fixed problem that prevented import of log data.
- Fixed: going to print page with no document gave error message.
- Fixed: starting EasyCore gave error message caused by init of printer icons.
- Fixed: symbol group button text was clipped with high DPI setting.
Build 1.2.1
July 20, 2015
- Removed dependency on system DLL during start up.
Build 1.2.0
July 14, 2015
- New Custom Histogram Column type.
- New Custom Composition Column type.
- New Bioturbation histogram column in default project.
- Ask for confirmation before column deletion.
- Show cursor depth indicator when making adjustments in any column.
- Fixed: Changing column title did not have any effect in Data Columns window and in the interface header, only on canvas.
- Allow beds with clay and silt grain sizes to be defined without snapping.
- Added button to swap First and Second Lithologies and settings in Interbedded dialog.
- Added toggles to hide Symbols in Core Description.
- Fixed issue where top of core description was missing because of problem with Contact legend.
- Fixed: Text and lines in Depth columns look grey until a certain zoom level.
- Fixed: Depth Ruler (outside sheet) doesn't display the correct depths when Gaps are created through the Gap Dialog.
- Fixed: Switching to an export profile did not show other data in the project that was not included in the profile.
- Fixed: Custom paper width>height became rotated.
- Fixed: Problem seen with updating "image" paper size in print dialog for format printers.
- Fixed issue where the Operator field in the Header would overlap the Top depth.
- Added Camera integration to be able to easily insert photos of rock samples.
- Added screen capture integration
- Fixed issue where admixtures and structures could not be toggled on.
- Added general scale factor on text.
- Improved: scrolling laggy (1-2 secs per input).
- New projects now use the default template previously shown as "!BETA! Proposed default Template for EasyCore 1.2.0".
- Compress beds now on by default.
- Fixed: Crash seen on saving some PDFs (problem with gradient fill emulator).
- Fixed: Zoom scale changed a little when scrolling down causing horizontal scroll bar to appear.
- Fixed: Titles on context menus were cut off (high dpi issue).
- Fixed: Unable to make precise definition of bed when holding pen just above screen before clicking bottom depth.
- Fixed: After importing symbol, the symbol group always switch to Trace Fossils.
- Fixed: New added symbols do not come in alphabetically in the entire group of symbols.
- Fixed: Tooltip popup missing in Recent Symbols.
- Added button to delete selected symbol.
Build 1.1.15
May 5, 2015
- Allow detailed change of grain size when working with finer grain sizes like silt and clay.
- Fixed crash when using Save Column as Image.
- Fixed issue where annotation pasted from EasyCopy was in wrong position when working left to right.
- Fixed crash when using fixed depth interval in data export.
- Added Delete Selected Intervals to context menu for relevant columns.
- Removed Tip of the Day button - no tips available.
- Added possibility to edit name of lithologies and admixtures.
- Fixed issue where some symbols were missing when opening project file.
- Fixed issue with size/sticky symbol in symbol library dock not synchronized with same setting in ribbon
- Fixed issue with Prefer Local Symbols or Project Symbols not working correctly.
- Fixed minor issues with zoom and pan on tablets.
Build 1.1.14
April 24, 2015
- Allow column Title to be changed.
- Added list of profiles in menu under Data Export.
- Added export of data through Python script.
- Added the possibility to define your own Lithologies Dictionary.
- You can now use the Pencil Tool to create new beds.
- Fixed issue where project template was deleted although you clicked cancel.
- Added BETA project with preview of lithologies dictionary for next release.
- Improved support for Stylus to create the core description.
- Added support for finger pan and zoom.
Build 1.1.13
March 6, 2015
- Fixed issue causing overwrite of project to fail silently.
- Added static backup files in addition to the one that is automatically detected in case of a crash.
- Fixed saving of lithology legend in project files.
Build 1.1.12
February 19, 2015
- Added Profile Orientation choice in Project settings to make it possible to work with profiles oriented Left to Right.
- Added Tertiary Lithology choices.
- Added possibility to disable all Lithology patterns.
- Added possibility to make a fining upward or coarsening upward sequence for all lithologies.
- Added Structure/Lamination choices for Siltstone.
- Added mouseover info for lithologies.
- Fixed: if current default lithology is Limestone (or like) and you click at Silt or Clay grain size in Core Description column, the suggested bed is Limestone. It should suggest Siltstone and Mudstone instead.
- Fixed: when having selected carbonate at a certain grain size and change this to sandstone - it does not remember the chosen grain size.
- Fixed: Adding bed by clicking in Core Photographs column - if default lithology is Limestone, Dolostone or Dolomitic Limestone then the color is missing in the Core Description column if you do not click in the Lithology pop-up menu.
- Fixed: only few columns will be on the export list ( missing Rock Color, Bedding Dip Angle, Chronostratifraphy etc. )
- Fixed: horizontal depth line is too thick when zooming.
- Fixed: using "press/drag/release" to add values in Oil Stain and other columns, there is in an indication of snap to bed boundaries, but the top depth is actually not snapped.
- Added Customize settings for what to show in Lithology column.
- Fixed: reset bulk shift does not work.
- Fixed: column lock was not saved to project.
- Added progress bar when opening project.
Build 1.1.11
January 23, 2015
- Added several new bedding contacts.
- Added several new primary lithologies.
- Added several new secondary lithologies.
- Added several new bedding structures.
Build 1.1.10
December 1, 2014
- Added preview window in Data Export.
- Export grain sizes for all depths within beds (We used to only export the grain size at the top and bottom)
- Fixed problem with lithologies missing in data export.
- Fixed problem where EasyCopy GUI elements could show up in EasyCore.
- Fixed crash for undo of import data.
- Added sanity check to ensure imported data does not clash with existing data maps.
Build 1.1.9
November 22, 2014
- Fixed problem with clipping of Core Description Image
- Fixed problem where bed could not be reconnected to bed below.
- Right clicking on different column with context menu open now opens context for new column.
- Fixed problem where context menu for hidden columns would appear.
- Same clear/compile legend options in home tab as in design tab
- Added Clear all Legend option.
- Fixed problem where the legend could overlap the well info header.
- Fixed problem where notes would disappear if overlapped by new note.
- Open Project now not ask you to save current project.
- Fixed problem with missing header when using EasyCopy printers.
- Fixed problem with positioning of symbols with origin.
- Depth Scale now available in Well Info header.
Build 1.1.8
October 28, 2014
- Fixed problem where cropped core photos were distorted.
Build 1.1.7
October 23, 2014
- Show Context Menu when right clicking on Column Header on your paper.
- Dont show fit warning dialog when stretching columns in header view.
- When inserting Core Description Image, it is now automatically shown.
- Read depths from file names where top and bottom are reversed (bottom first).
- Show Host machine info in start-up dialog when unlicensed.
- Fixed crash when adding custom column in new project wizard.
- Don't show fit warning dialog while changing paper info on project page.
Build 1.1.6
October 16, 2014
- High resolution TIFFs (6 bytes per pixel) 16 bits per sample is now supported.
- New Line and Dots appearance options.
- Data name and Unit centered in the Log Data column and Data name in bold.
- The Customize dialog is made wider to make the header text readable.
- Separator line between 2 log data columns no longer missing.
- Set Unit on imported log data now possible.
- Added support for EasyCopy printers.
- Save as PS does now work - strange Adobe thing poped up.
- Fixed problem with text scale in notes column in vector output.
- Fixed issue with multiple symbols at same depth.
- Optimized speed of scroll and pan of project with symbols.
- Fixed crash when importing symbols from files without Microsoft distributable installed.
Build 1.1.5
September 16, 2014
- You can now drag and drop a project file on the EasyCore icon to open the project in EasyCore.
- Depths are now read correct from file names if it contains a second dash '-' after the bottom depth.
- You can now crop images individually
- You can now set depth of images individually.
- You will now be prompted for elevated rights when installing a license/password.
- Column layout can now be saved as a named Layout in a project.
- Column layout can be exported to a file for reuse in another project.
- Custom header design can now be imported from .lay file ( EasyCopy Layout file).
- Custom information can now be added to the header.
- Problem in lithotype column when deleting sandstone bed - fixed.
- You can now print within a depth range.
- Backstage print interface.
- Projects can now be saved as a template.
- Symbol Library checked at start.
- Batch import of symbols.
- Rotation of Symbols.
EasyPlot 10.1.1
May 29, 2024
Improvements and fixes
- Fixed issue where part of a log curve could be missing when rendering EMF files.
- Fixed issue with CGM text sometimes not positioned exactly correct.
- Read image resolution from EXIF tags.
- Avoid merging text with long interval of spaces.
- Fixed issue with text drawn with overlapping characters when rendering CGM with restricted text elements.
- Fixed issue where the text width would depend a little on the screen text scale when rendering CGM.
- Fixed issue with overlapping text when rendering EMF with dashes in text.
- Symbols looked blurred in ribbon gallery on screen using more than 100% text scale.
- Print using Shrink Width and Position at Edge, would not use full width.
EasyPlot 9.2.15
May 17, 2023
EasyCopy Printer Drivers
- Added support for printing in Grayscale (black ink only) for many HP plotters.
- Added option to mirror Label by setting the environment variable EC_MIRRORLABEL. When set to the value 2 it will mirror by a vertical flip, otherwise with a horizontal flip of the label.
- Fixed Label and Stamp positions to not rotate with the image. Otherwise the Label could only be put on the top or bottom edge of the image.
- Fixed issue with command-file overriding saved default values, that are not set in the file.
EasyPlot 9.2.14
March 8, 2023
- Fixed issue with printing of CGM at large size resulting in truncated output.
- Fixed issue with reading of PDF having special tiling patterns causing endless loop.
EasyPlot 9.2.13
December 1, 2022
JPEG Reader
- Fixed issue with "JPEG file ERROR: No more coded data" when reading some JPEG files.
- Changed Label size to not scale with the output size, put take the size from environment variable EC_TEXT_POINT_SIZE with a default of 9 pt.
- Fixed issue with Label in output not having the same position as shown in the preview, when the image was rotated and using an EasyCopy printer driver.
- Fixed issue with Label font in the preview being very different from the actual output. Changed font in preview for better match.
- Fixed issue with Label, using multiple lines, being justified differently in the preview and the output. Use left justification in all places.
- Fixed issue with %ECFILEPATH% used in Label, showing path delimiters as forward slashes on Windows. Use native backward slashes.
- Fixed issue with saved Label configuration not being applied, when browsing for a file in EasyPlot.
- Fixed issue with %ECFILENAME% and %ECFILEPATH% used in Label configuration, not working in EasyPlot.
License Info
- Fixed issue with expiry date for temporary licenses showing a month too early. The fix requires a new License Daemon on the server.
Printer Configurations
- Save the printer Accuracy Adjustment between sessions.
- Added option to share Printer Configurations between users, by setting the environment variable ECUSRPRTDIR to override the location for user configurations.
- Fixed issue with Stamp not being printed when using EasyCopy printer drivers.
EasyPlot 9.2.12
June 4, 2021
Non-ascii Names
- Fixed issues with temp files using non-ascii characters in the path. This could happen if the user login name used non-ascii characters.
Printer Driver
- Fixed issue with HP DesignJet T630 continuing to roll our paper after print was finished.
EasyPlot 9.2.11
December 5, 2020
License Dispatcher
- Revert to earlier generated permanent license when temporary license expires.
- Allow licenses for different products independent of date where they are generated.
- Fixed: text with large scale factor was shown too narrow (caused dotted lines made up of several text elements to be split in pieces).
Printer driver
- Added HP Designjet XL3600 RTL driver
Build 9.2.10
September 18, 2020
Image loading
- Fixed: stepping through image files in File Open dialog on Linux, could cause the application to crash. On Windows this could also happen if interrupting an image in loading.
- Suppress "Text drawn as polygon" messages in terminal window when opening PDF files.
- Fixed: raster images disappeared when zooming on details in file. This was caused by incorrect image merging, where transparent pixels would overwrite opaque pixels.
- Fixed: the Print Status dialog could disappear behind other windows.
- Fixed: printing to PDF format only worked for the first print. Second print would only give parts of the file.
Build 9.2.9
December 3, 2019
Double Extension
- Fixed: printing could fail because of batch file with double extension not being allowed to run.
Format Printer
- Fixed: setting custom page size in metric sizes (mm or cm), the size was changed because of an internal rounding to an integer number of points.
- Added Canon iPF815 RTL and Epson T7200 drivers.
Build 9.2.8
August 22, 2019
- Fixed issue where diagonal patterns in EMF files had wrong direction.
- Fixed issue where image parts were missing in opened PDF files.
- Added support for PPTX files.
Temporary files
- Fixed issues where the application would leave temporary files behind (opening SVG or XPS files).
Build 9.2.7
August 4, 2019
- Fixed issue where the application would crash when opening some CGM files.
Raster files
- Fixed issue where running EasyPlot with raster file as argument (dropping file on .exe), it would not view the file, and sometimes give error about unsupported format.
Build 9.2.6
March 29, 2019
Just updated to follow EasyCopy version number.
Build 9.2.5
March 26, 2019
- Added support for CGM files with large ( > 32K wide ) tile arrays.
File open
- Fixed issue with not being able to see file format information on screen with 200% text scale.
- Fixed issue with eclic not being able to use non-default ECPORT setting.
- Fixed issue with transparent lines in PDF becoming opaque.
- Fixed issue with clipped objects becoming visible.
- Fixed issue with text disappearing behind other objects.
- Fixed issue with PDF only opening partially (image transfer optimization).
- Fixed issue with not being able to open PDS files. This problem was introduced with version 9.2.0.
- Added driver for HP DesignJet T730
- Added drivers for HP DesignJet Z6 and Z9.
- Added drivers for HP PageWide plotters.
- Added drivers for Canon TM plotters.
- Added driver for Neuralog Z3 (LaserJet 3).
- Fixed issue with PDF having landscape aspect ratio being output rotated in PDF format printer.
- Fixed issue with SVG files not viewed on Windows because of missing dll.
- Fixed issue with SVG files not viewed on Linux because of missing WebEngine executable and resources.
- Fixed issue with SVG files not viewed when exceeding a few MB in size.
Build 9.2.4
July 18, 2018
- Fixed: memory used by loaded images were leaked.
- Fixed: warning in terminal output: "QObject::killTimer: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread".
- Fixed issue where rotated images were positioned and scaled wrongly when saved to PDF or ungrouped from file.
- Fixed: password on 2 lines written to agipass file when pasted in dialog.
- Added HP DesignJet T1700 driver.
- Fixed: print to file with Windows or Format drivers, the progress bar was missing the jumping man, and not updating progress.
Windows DLLs
- Added UCRT DLLs to the installation to not depend on local computer updates.
Build 9.2.3
June 28, 2018
- Fixed: EasyCopy printers did not produce any output on updated Windows 10.
License Service
- Fixed: License Service failed to start ecdaemon process on updated Windows 10.
Build 9.2.2
May 16, 2018
- Added support for Canon TX and PRO plotters using the SGRaster format.
Build 9.2.1
Nov 11, 2017
- Fixed issue where opening SVG files caused a crash.
Build 9.2.0
Oct 7, 2017
- Fixed issues with indicator arrows and dialogs being to small on screen with high resolution.
- Now using Qt 5.9.1.
Build 9.1.14
Mar 15, 2017
- Fixed issue where printing to HP HPGL2 Windows drivers using Custom Page Size gave a Letter size output.
Note: for some drivers you need to enter Properties dialog to get correct Paper size.
- Fixed issues with progress monitor looping several times when outputting stitched PDF.
Build 9.1.13
Feb 1, 2017
- Fixed: ecdriver scripts failed to run from path with spaces in name.
- Added support for CMYK JPEG files generated by Illustrator.
License checkout
- Fixed: retrying in license checkout took too long when server was unreachable. We now have a maximum of 1 minute.
PDF reader
- Fixed: opening PDF using Calibri font, some ligatures were not shown correctly.
- Fixed: semi-transparent image became opaque when printing with Windows drivers.
- Fixed: using RTL driver to print on EPSON would result in blank paper output with size of print, before actual print.
- Added: 12 inch roll paper was added to generic printer drivers.
Build 9.1.12
Sep 13, 2016
- Fixed: using network path for EasyPlot( \\server\folder\easyplot.exe ) it failed to start.
File Open
- Fixed: double clicking on image in File Open dialog on Linux, often caused EasyPlot to crash.
- Fixed: trying to open empty file gave error message about unsupported format.
- Fixed: printing to EasyCopy PS printer using roll size paper, the custom page size code ?as missing in the output.
- Added support for Ricoh MP CW 2200 PostScript plotter.
- Fixed: setting paper to Super Long on Elite-II it was always reset to Letter size.
Save Dialogs
- Fixed: unable to use desktop shortcuts to folders for saving file.
- Fixed: semi-transparent fills missing when rendering SVG.
Build 9.1.11
Jul 19, 2016
- Fixed issue with ecdriver scripts not working from UNC path.
- Fixed issue with older linux client sometimes saying unlicensed when using newer License Dispatcher.
- Fixed issue with possible deadlock when opening PDF file with Stitch enabled.
- Fixed issue with tiled patterns in PDF file being black.
- Added new HP DesignJet T930 and T1530 drivers.
- Fixed issue with print to CGM resulting in empty file when "Send Job as Bitmap" is selected.
- Fixed issue with print to CGM showing progress up to 100%, and then shortly showing a second progress dialog before finished.
- Fixed issue with print to CGM giving exception error on second print.
Build 9.1.10
May 27, 2016
- Fixed issue with images missing in Help pages.
- Fixed issue with user information missing in eclic xml output.
- Fixed issue with eclic xml output reporting too many licenses in use by user.
- Fixed issue with wrong font used for Bold and Italic text.
- Added possibility to set label with future date (default in 28 days) using special internal variables.
- Fixed issue with Print Job Name not being updated when opening new document.
- Fixed issue with low quality on Windows printers.
- Fixed issue with Bold and Italic text in XPS shown as normal text.
Build 9.1.9
Apr 4, 2016
- Fixed issue where reading a CGM file with many text elements outside clip area took several minutes.
- Added new "openit" option to eclic for easier integration with license monitoring software.
Build 9.1.8
Feb 24, 2016
- Fixed issue with UAC prompt showing temporary msi name during installation.
- Fixed issue with strange characters in hostname shown in Install Password dialog.
- Fixed issue where setting Copies did not take effect.
- Fixed issue in EasyPlot where toggling "Close after print" had no effect.
- Fixed issue with Windows printer drivers where the page size was reset when entering printer Options.
- Fixed issue with banding effect when printing on NeuraLaserColor II
- Fixed issue with gaps and wrong scale on print when printing to Windows printer and having non-default screen resolution set.
Build 9.1.7
Jan 20, 2016
- Fixed issue with wiggle lines drawn too thick resulting in one massive black rectangle.
Build 9.1.6
Dec 18, 2015
- Fixed issue where using custom paper size with Windows printers would result in wrong output size.
- Fixed issue where selecting non-default paper size on Windows printers was ignored.
- Fixed issue where changing paper orientation on Windows printers did not have any effect.
- Fixed issue where printing with EcDriver to EasyPlot would result in text missing.
Build 9.1.5
Oct 13, 2015
- Fixed issue where custom paper size set in EcDriver was not set correctly for applications.
- Also remove format_printers and tips when doing uninstall.
- Fixed issue where installed libxcb caused conflict with system libX11.
- Added missing xcb platform plugin to Linux installation.
- Added missing python27.dll to EasyView and EasyPlot installations.
Build 9.1.4
Sep 24, 2015
- Added vector based printer driver for integration of Windows applications with EasyPlot.