Batch conversion of images

The example: TIFF to PNG

First open a command prompt.

Then cd (change directory) to the directory containing your TIFF file(s).
The simplest command line for converting for example a TIFF file to a PNG file is:

ecconv -export png INFILE OUTFILE

If a certain page number should be converted, use the following example:

ecconv -export png -pageno INFILE OUTFILE

To convert all files in a directory from TIFF to PNG you need a script file (Windows .bat or Linux shell script) to do it.
The following small script examples should do the conversion of all the TIFF files to PNG files.

Windows batch example (tif2png.bat):

echo off

for %%f in (*.tif) do “c:\program files\easycopy\easycopy 9.2\ecconv” -export png %%f %%~nf.png

Linux bash example (


for f in *.tif; do “/apps/easycopy 9.2/ecconv” -export png $f “${f%.*}.png”; done

Your ecconv might be located somewhere else and in this case write the correct path name in the script.

You can always improve on the script by giving directory names as parameters.
For further information on ecconv options, run:

ecconv -help